Author Topic: TPX VGCOLLECT R&D LIST  (Read 29038 times)


« Reply #60 on: April 14, 2021, 12:02:27 pm »
US Genesis Consoles now updated, there are 71 entries in the DB.

Left out is the lone 1601 non-TMSS Made in China console which I might add as a loose console only because it is not currently known where this console comes from. There was only one on US Ebay of this that I could find with no correlation of any other types of Altered Beast boxes. I will hold off on it for now because it may be something I can ID as being from a different country.

Up next are:
- update Gen NFR cart descriptions to match to packs
- add Value Pack/Pak label vars, newly discovered yellow sega label carts, including the SG ProPad 6.
- update the spreadsheet for Canadian releases
- then other countries

Also considering adding a "bounty board" type thread or so to assign things that need to be done on the db. That way if people want to help out the db but do not know where to start, they have a way to help. But this would have to be something only serious users would be allowed to do. We have far too many "I'm going to do this!" people who never do anything. Like the guy who said they would figure out the Lynx EU games (these are currently likely all dupes), or the V.Smile thing (jjfly disappeared shortly after creating all the EU entries), and there was another one that I recall but I forget what section it was supposed to be for (absolutely nothing was done other than the public announcement it would be done).


« Reply #61 on: May 12, 2021, 10:05:49 am »
Should put an update. I am still working on the Sega Gen/MD thread in the ID forum. Currently working on Sega Mega CD [EU] and going through each country to find bits of information that are handy to have. This usually means I make a skeleton post and then have to find examples from existing entries in the DB to refer to. And if those entries do not exist, then I have to search online to find them. Interesting thing is that even though I had previously figured those sections to be complete, there is still more that isn't yet documented.

I wil be working on finishing the Gen/MD thread, then will make the ID threads for the Saturn, Game Gear, Master System and Sega Computers category, before creating the skeleton post for PS2, of which I will focus on the Hardware category only.


« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2021, 12:12:49 pm »
Taking a break from the Gen/MD Hardware post in the Adv Guide because I think there is a better way of handling consoles on the DB while still being able to document all of the retail releases. Simply put, all of the retail releases (especially in Europe) make the Hardware section confusing or difficult to use for people without console boxes. My attempt to solve that issue by using the Adv Guide to link consoles to packs was a good idea (I think) at first, but it becomes an issue in regards to the consoles that are known to exist but cannot be connected to packs. Thoughts about this have been pushed along and if all goes well, I'll end up making a poll about it to see if the community would be interested in trying something else out.

I went through the Atari Lynx EU section and updated the entries that I could confirm got European imports and deleted/merged the ones that could not be confirmed. For that section going forward, only items with confirmed EU releases should be put into there. I know that there are lists on Lynx collector sites that list all of the games released in EU, but we should not add them unless something EU specific is present, something to differentiate them from US releases.

For the most part it there are only 3 differences I have found:
- some sold in blister packs in France
- has printed text of ATARI-FRANCE either on the top of the box, or on a label
- has printed text listing 6 of the European importers on the bottom of the box

If a Lynx EU game is to be added, the pictures should show either a label being present or the item in the blister pack. If an item is confirmed to exist like this but an image cannot be used (such as the case with text on the top of the box) or there is some insert that is unique to a EU release (so far I have seen that the manuals, carts, posters and the white text flyer is identical to US version but that doesn't mean some other type of insert doesn't exist) then an entry can be made, but it will need to have the contents put into the description so that it doesn't get merged/deleted later on.

For the moment I will be focusing on updating some categories to meet the naming or image requirements of the Style Guide. These include:
- Gamecube Accessory (in progress)
- Gamecube Hardware
- Switch Accessory
- Wii U Hardware
- Game Boy Hardware

So if there is something you own in one of those cats, and the entry is lacking info, make sure to put in an edit to add the barcode or correct pictures so when we get to that entry we don't change it into something you don't have or merge it with something, etc.


« Reply #63 on: November 11, 2021, 11:08:12 am »
Just an update here since I haven't posted to this in awhile. I do something on the site every day but often forget to update the thread. Since last update:
- Gen/MD ID thread is done:,11326.0.html
- Saturn ID thread is done:,11539.0.html
- Game Gear ID thread is done:,11574.0.html
- Master System ID thread is in progress:,11614.0.html

The SMS thread is on hold as are the future ones I had planned, only because I wanted to make a concerted effort to get the images hosted on vgcollect instead of on Imgur. Not because Imgur is bad, but it is better to be the controllers of your own destiny. Still working with jason to get things figured out, not a huge priority at this point but I feel it is fine to take a break from the ID threads for now. Images used in the Adv Guide have been migrated from Imgur to my VGC gallery:
Although I currently have more than 200 images for the ID threads on Imgur that I'd like to get moved over, we are having an issue with getting the site to allow that many images for a user gallery.

Other things that have been worked on is Spanish ZX Spectrum games and adding UK games if they exist so the Spanish games can use [ES] in the title. Of course not all of the Spanish games known to exist have scans, many do. Fortunately, sites like Mobygames has most of the UK/EU Spectrum games on their site to use as a reference.


« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2022, 11:54:36 am »
Checklist approval is backlogged on TCDB so I am taking a break on that and now going to finish the SMS section in the ID forum. Still to come in that section is Sega Computers, Dreamcast and Swag categories.


« Reply #65 on: April 19, 2022, 11:02:06 am »
Sega Computers guide currently stalled due to category naming situation. It will be detailed here for the record.
Currently SG-1000 [AU] category is named wrong.
The request has already been made to rename it to John Sands Sega.

The AU releases (the John Sands titles) all have text "This cartridge may only be used with the John Sands Sega SC3000 Personal Computer." So this means that these games cannot actually be in an SG-1000 category. Now while there are John Sands Sega SC3000 micros (hardware/console) released and currently in the SC-3000 hardware category, there are no such releases for an SG-1000 or equivalent system. The New Zealand games have the dual mention of SC-3000 and SG-1000, so per the community vote on multi-branded games, these NZ titles will get to be considered SG-1000 titles, but a new sub-cat will need to be made for them.

So the SG-1000 [AU] will be changed to John Sands Sega.
A new category will be made called Sega SG-1000 [NZ] and this is where the New Zealand games from that sub-cat will be moved to.
Then all of the John Sands games from the SC-3000 games sub-cat will be moved into the John Sands Sega sub-cat.

Information relating to John Sands that is currently in the SC-3000 games post on the ID Guide will need to be moved.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 11:05:34 am by tripredacus »


« Reply #66 on: August 17, 2022, 11:55:08 am »
Have decided to go back and work on making sure we have game entries before doing the additional extra stuff like the ID guide posts.

Currently working on making sure PlayStation [NA] has correct covers and add any missing variations I come across.
Not going about and checking every entry for incorrect back art.


« Reply #67 on: November 11, 2022, 11:51:23 am »
NOTE: this post is for reference. Games should not be made in the PC-50x games category any longer. Each console should have its own sub-cat in PC-50x. If a sub-cat is not present, you need to request it to be made.

Created new categories in Other for

PC-50x Hardware

PC-50x Consoles
Acetronic Tele-Sports IV
Akur Video SD-050
Bandai TV Jack 5000
Binatone Cablestar 01-4354
Binatone Superstar 01-4354 Programmable
Cam e Clipper Color TVG-872
Creatronic SD-50 Program 2000
Elbex Programmable 2003
Grandstand SD-050
Grandstand Colour Programmable SD070
Grandstand Programmable Game
Grandstand Video Sports Centre SD070
Hanimex SD 050
Hanimex SD 070 Couleur
Hanimex TVG 070C
Irradio TVG-888
Mustang 9015
Polycon PG-7 Programmable
Poppy 9015
Poppy TVG 10
Prinztronic Grandprix
Prinztronic Micro 10
Prinztronic Micro 5500
Prinztronic Tournament Color Programmable 2000
Radofin Tele-Sports III
Radofin Tele-Sports IV
Rollet 4/303 Video Secam System
Sanwa 9015
Secam Jeu Video 050S
Soundic Programmable System
Soundic SD 050S
Takatoku Video Cassette Lock
Tempest Programmable TV Game SD-050C
Universum Programmable TV-Game
Univox Jeu Video Cassette Interchangeables Tele-Sports III

VC 4000 Consoles (Randofin 1x92 series)
Acetronic MPU-1000
Acetronic MPU-2000
Audiosonic PP-1292
Audiosonic PP-1392
Aureac Tele Computer
Fountain 1292
Fountain 1392
Fountain Force 2
Granstand Advanced Programmable Video System
Grundig Super Play Computer 4000
Hanimex HMG-1292
Hanimex HMG-1392
ITMC Video Ordinateur MPT-05
Interton VC 4000
Karvan Jeu Video TV
Lansay 1392
Palson CX-3000 Data Bass Sistem
Prinztronic Tournament
Prinztronic VC-6000
Radofin 1292
Radofin 1392
Rowtron Television Computer System
Societe Occitane Electronique OC-200
TRQ Video Computer H-21
Teleng Television Computer System
« Last Edit: May 13, 2024, 10:31:46 am by tripredacus »


« Reply #68 on: December 01, 2022, 12:02:40 pm »
Going through the generic Hardware categories. They need to get re-organized and we don't need this split out into regions.

Based on internals, Hardware in Other are Consoles only, but also are not dedicated consoles. So all dedicated consoles will be moved to that section. Only consoles allowed in (soon to be) Other Hardware sub-cat are consoles that have a cart/disk/disc slot that are not computers (PC/Mac).
« Last Edit: December 06, 2022, 11:06:58 am by tripredacus »


« Reply #69 on: December 07, 2022, 11:40:57 am »
Based on internals, Hardware in Other are Consoles only, but also are not dedicated consoles. So all dedicated consoles will be moved to that section. Only consoles allowed in (soon to be) Other Hardware sub-cat are consoles that have a cart/disk/disc slot that are not computers (PC/Mac).

I'm having a little difficulty in understanding what this means. Based on the pending Admin actions outlined in the Category/Platforms Requests 2.0 thread, the Dedicated Consoles category is to be removed. If "dedicated consoles" such as the Atari Flashback do not belong in any of the formal Hardware categories either (which I understand are being consolidated), then where will these kind of entries be eventually placed?

Edit: I'm seeing now that the aforementioned linked thread details that the Dedicated sub-category is being moved to Other, while the parent category is be removed. However, haven't we recently established that the Other category is for games? Are we now regarding dedicated consoles as games instead of hardware?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2022, 11:48:00 am by dhaabi »


« Reply #70 on: December 07, 2022, 12:07:06 pm »
Other sub-cat is for games, Other (parent) cat is for any platform that doesn't have enough items to have their own category. Which should be how it is done but still needs some cleanup to do. I don't think we need to do it all right now. For example, there is no reason why GameKing should have its own cat, it can live under Other no problem.

In regards to what is supposed to go into Other/Other, that is why I put a request to rename Other to Other Games. Other already is games (in the db) but it doesn't state as such. I will be doing an ADV thread on Other just to make sure this is sorted out.

sub-cats have item types but cats do not.

In summary for now about the main sub-cats.
- Other Hardware (currently Hardware [Other]) is for Consoles that have removable media. Carts, cards, discs, DVD, or multi-platform bootlegs like a Retron, etc.
- Other accessories (currently Accessory) is for accessories for consoles without an accessory category, or for things that support multiple consoles.
- Other games (currently Other) is for games that have no sub-cat, in general it is for games for the hardware in Other Hardware sub-cat.
- Dedicated Consoles are for consoles without removable media.


« Reply #71 on: May 10, 2023, 11:58:49 am »
Currently working on getting items out of the Other category and putting them in their own. Currently going through Other Games.


« Reply #72 on: June 08, 2023, 11:27:47 am »
Commodore 64 Cassettes [EU] section updated. Now contains 2006 entries.


« Reply #73 on: June 15, 2023, 10:57:43 am »
Commodore 16 updated, now has 143 entries.


« Reply #74 on: June 20, 2023, 10:30:30 am »
MSX [EU] updated, now has 334 items.