Author Topic: Category/Platform Requests 2.0  (Read 56292 times)


Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: May 09, 2019, 12:26:00 pm »
Creating a new topic for this. Original topic here:,6808.0.html

Information about Categories
There are parent and child categories. A visual reference to this can be seen on the Browse page:

Each child category has two names:
1. The full name
2. The abbreviated name (this is the name that appears on the item entry page itself)

Database Admins can create new (parent) categories and child/sub-categories. Only Red Admins can rename or delete them.

Release Types
- rename Accesories Type to Accessories (this word is misspelled on a user's about page if they have this type of item in collection)

Genres to be added

Ratings to be added

Rename/Move/Remove actions still required (Can only be done by Admin) :

Categories created from the previous thread:
NOTE: empty categories will show a Page Not Found error.
Added Wii [BR ]
Added Sega Advanced Pico Beena [JP]
Added APF MP1000
Added APF MP1000 Hardware
Added Nintendo Switch [KR]
Added Starlink
Added Arcade Hardware
Added Atari Lynx [EU]
Added Acorn Archimedes
Added Neo Geo Pocket Accessory

Rename/Move/Remove actions that have been completed :
deleted Atari 2800 sub-cat from Atari 2600 (VCS) cat
deleted Sega Naomi [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Sega Naomi [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Sega Naomi 2 [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Sega Naomi 2 [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Nintendo Playchoice 10 [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Nintendo Playchoice 10 [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Nintendo VS [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted PC [Asia] sub-cat from PC cat
deleted Apple Macintosh Classic [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Mac Classic [EU] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [EU] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Max OS X (Intel) [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Max OS X (PowerPC) [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Mac OS X [JP] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Swag - Carrying Cases & Bags sub-cat from Swag cat
deleted Google Stadia sub-cat from Google cat
deleted Hardware [EU] sub-cat from Hardware cat
deleted Hardware [JP] sub-cat from Hardware cat
deleted Hardware [NA] sub-cat from Hardware cat
deleted Timex Sinclair 1000 Hardware sub-cat in Timex Sinclair 1000 cat

deleted Mac cat
deleted NEC PC-88 cat
deleted NEC PC-98 cat
deleted NEC PC-6001 cat
deleted Google cat
deleted Hardware cat
deleted Tiger LCD cat
deleted Dedicated Console cat
deleted Timex Sinclair 1000 cat

added Vtech cat

renamed Apple cat to Apple Computers
renamed FM Towns cat to Fujitsu
renamed BBC Micro cat to Acorn Computers
renamed Amstrad CPC cat to Amstrad Computers
renamed Amstrad Computers cat to Amstrad
renamed CD-i cat to Philips

renamed Funtech Super A'Can [CH] sub-cat to Funtech Super A'Can
renamed Xbox 360 [AS] sub-cat to Xbox 360 [CN]
renamed Pokemon Mini [EU] sub-cat to Pokémon Mini [EU]
renamed Pokemon Mini [JP] sub-cat to Pokémon Mini [JP]
renamed Pokemon Mini [NA] sub-cat to Pokémon Mini [NA]
renamed Sega Naomi [JP] sub-cat to Sega NAOMI cartridges
renamed Arcade (Dedicated) sub-cat to Arcade Cabinets
renamed Arcade Conversion sub-cat to Arcade Boards
renamed Sega Naomi 2 [NA] sub-cat to Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges
renamed Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [JP] sub-cat to CP System II B Boards
renamed Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [NA] sub-cat to CP System III Cartridges
renamed Nintendo Playchoice 10 [NA] sub-cat to Nintendo PlayChoice 10
renamed SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [NA] sub-cat to SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64
renamed CP System III Cartridges sub-cat to CP System III Carts and CDs
renamed Pinball sub-cat in Arcade cat to Pinball Machines
renamed Cougar Boy [SA] sub-cat in Mega Duck cat to Cougar Boy [BR]
renamed TI-99 [NA] sub-cat in Other cat to Texas Instruments TI-99
renamed Sega Game Gear [KR] sub-cat in Sega Game Gear cat to Samsung Handy GamBoy [KR]
renamed Sega Game Gear [TW] sub-cat in Sega Game Gear cat to Sega Game Gear [CN]
renamed Sega Master System [KR] sub-cat in Sega Master System cat to Samsung GamBoy / Aladdin Boy
renamed Sega SG-1000 [AU] sub-cat in Sega Computers cat to John Sands Sega
renamed NEC PC-88[JP] sub-cat in NEC PC-88 cat to NEC PC-88
renamed NEC PC-98[JP] sub-cat in NEC PC-98 cat to NEC PC-98
renamed FM Towns Marty [JP] sub-cat in FM Towns cat to FM Towns Marty
renamed Accessory sub-cat in Other cat to Other Accessories
renamed Hardware [Other] sub-cat in Other cat to Other Hardware
renamed Other sub-cat in Other cat to Other Games
renamed SC-3000 Hardware sub-cat to Sega Computer Hardware
renamed SG-1000 Hardware sub-cat to Sega Computer Accessories
renamed ZX Spectrum Hardware sub-cat to Sinclair Hardware
renamed APF MP1000 Hardware sub-cat in Other cat to APF Hardware
renamed Colecovision Accessory sub-cat in Coleco cat to Coleco Accessory
renamed Colecovision Hardware sub-cat in Coleco cat to Coleco Hardware
renamed sub-cat in Other cat to Playdate
renamed PV-1000 Hardware sub-cat in Casio cat to Casio Computers
renamed Tandy TRS-80 Hardware sub-cat in Tandy cat to Tandy Hardware
renamed Tangerine Oric sub-cat in Other cat to Oric
renamed Texas Instruments TI-99 sub-cat in Other cat to TI-99

renamed OFLC text in ratings dropdown to ACB

renamed Sega NAOMI cartridges Abbreviation from Naomi [JP] to NAOMI Carts
renamed Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges Abbreviation from Naomi 2 [NA] to NAOMI 2
renamed Commodore 64 Cartridges [AU] Abbreviation from Commodore 64 Cartridges [AU] to C64 Carts [AU]
renamed Konami LCD Abbreviation from konamilcd to Konami LCD
renamed Magazine Type from Games to Magazines

added Atari 2800 [JP] Abbreviation to Atari 2800 [JP] sub-cat in Atari 2600 (VCS) cat

moved Strategy Guide sub-cat from Other cat to Swag cat
moved Magazine sub-cat from Other cat to Swag cat
moved VTech MobiGo sub-cat from Other cat to VTech cat
moved VTech V.Smile sub-cat from Other cat to VTech cat
moved NEC PC-88 Hardware sub-cat from NEC PC-88 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-88 sub-cat from NEC PC-88 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-98 Hardware sub-cat from NEC PC-98 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-98 sub-cat from NEC PC-98 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-6001 sub-cat from NEC PC-6001 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved Fujitsu FM-7 sub-cat from Other cat to Fujitsu cat
moved Other Accessories sub-cat from Hardware cat to Other cat
moved Other Hardware sub-cat from Hardware to cat Other cat
moved Konami LCD sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved Tiger LCD sub-cat from Tiger LCD cat to LCD Games cat
moved Dedicated Consoles sub-cat from Dedicated Console cat to Other cat
moved Amstrad GX4000 Hardware sub-cat from Other cat to Amstrad cat
moved Amstrad GX4000 [EU] sub-cat from Other cat to Amstrad cat
moved APF MP1000 sub-cat from Other cat to APF Electronics cat
moved APF Hardware sub-cat from Other cat to APF Electronics cat
moved Blaze Evercade sub-cat from Other cat to Blaze cat
moved Commodore Max sub-cat from Other cat to Commodore Max cat
moved Dragon 32 sub-cat from Other cat to Dragon Data cat
moved Game Master sub-cat from Other cat to Hartung cat
moved Mattel Aquarius sub-cat from Other cat to Mattel cat
moved Mattel Handheld sub-cat from Other cat to Mattel cat
moved Oric sub-cat from Other cat to Tangerine cat
moved PC-50x sub-cat from Other cat to PC-50x cat
moved PC-50x Hardware sub-cat from Other cat to PC-50x cat
moved Philips in2it sub-cat from Other cat to Philips cat
moved Playdate sub-cat from Other cat to Panic cat
moved Super A'Can sub-cat from Other cat to Funtech cat
moved Super A'Can Hardware sub-cat from Other cat to Funtech cat
moved TI-99 sub-cat from Other cat to Texas Instruments cat
moved Tiger R-Zone sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved Tiger R-Zone Hardware sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved VC 4000 sub-cat from Other cat to 1292 Advanced Programmable cat
moved VC 4000 Hardware sub-cat from Other cat to 1292 Advanced Programmable cat

Added option Official Release (Upcoming) to Release Types

Added rating ACB M15+ (Australia)
Added rating ESRB - E-E10+ (US / Canada)
Added rating ESRB - E10+-T (US / Canada)

Renamed rating ACB M15+ (Australia) to ACB - M15+ (Australia)

Feel free to post any new Category/Platform requests here.
Be sure to check the old thread in case you made a request that was missed!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2023, 11:01:17 am by tripredacus »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2019, 10:38:40 pm »
Could we get regions for amiibo figures and cards?

Amiibo Figures [NA]
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]

Amiibo Cards [NA]
Amiibo Cards [EU]
Amiibo Cards [JP]

I promise if these are added, I'll go through the existing amiibo to make sure they are all categorized properly.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2019, 08:36:05 am »
Plus one for that ^
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2019, 09:46:46 am »
Created Virtual Reality Category with
- Dedicated VR Hardware sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Accessories sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Games sub-category:

Could we get regions for amiibo figures and cards?

Amiibo Figures [NA]
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]

Amiibo Cards [NA]
Amiibo Cards [EU]
Amiibo Cards [JP]

I promise if these are added, I'll go through the existing amiibo to make sure they are all categorized properly.

I didn't skip over this one per se... but I should have mentioned it.

Since we can't rename categories, and there already exists Amiibo Figures and Amiibo Cards, I think that this work should be done by a site admin. Either way, they would have to do something, as it would be like so:

Amiibo Figures
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]

If that is fine with you, we can do that, and then just put in the list in the first post that the [NA] needs to be added to the first one.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 09:51:49 am by tripredacus »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2019, 03:42:54 pm »
Created Virtual Reality Category with
- Dedicated VR Hardware sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Accessories sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Games sub-category:

Could we get regions for amiibo figures and cards?

Amiibo Figures [NA]
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]

Amiibo Cards [NA]
Amiibo Cards [EU]
Amiibo Cards [JP]

I promise if these are added, I'll go through the existing amiibo to make sure they are all categorized properly.

I didn't skip over this one per se... but I should have mentioned it.

Since we can't rename categories, and there already exists Amiibo Figures and Amiibo Cards, I think that this work should be done by a site admin. Either way, they would have to do something, as it would be like so:

Amiibo Figures
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]

If that is fine with you, we can do that, and then just put in the list in the first post that the [NA] needs to be added to the first one.
That's fine by me!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 08:19:21 pm by aliensstudios »
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2019, 05:25:46 pm »

Please make a new category under Interactive Figures named Starlink. It appears to be the only toys to life line under Hardware -> Accessory. We currently have Interactive Figures ->
  • Amiibo Figures
  • LEGO Dimensions Figures
  • Skylanders Figures/Traps/Vehicles
  • etc
It makes no sense to separate the Starlink toys to life from the other toys to life. 

Thank you


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2019, 09:53:29 am »
EU and JP Amiibo Cards/Figures categories created.
n64ra, the Starlink category was created before this topic was made.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2019, 09:55:08 am »
These category operations have been completed by site admin:
renamed cat Sega SG-1000 to Sega Computers
moved Sega SG-1000 [TW] from Sega Other to Sega Computers
moved Sega SC-3000 Hardware from Sega Other to Sega Computers

deleted SG-1000 II [JP] sub-cat
deleted SC-3000 [JP] sub-cat
deleted Sega Other cat
deleted Sega Mega Drive [AS] sub-cat

renamed PC - Digital Download [NA] to PC - Digital Download
renamed Magnavox Odyssey² [EU] to Philips Videopac
renamed Sega Master System [TW] to Aaronix Mark III
renamed Sega Master System [JP] to Sega Mark III / Master System [JP]
renamed Amiibo Cards to Amiibo Cards [NA]
renamed Amiibo Figures to Amiibo Figures [NA]


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2019, 12:26:14 am »
Is the Epoch Super Cassette Vision in the database? If not, here's the info...


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2019, 12:02:41 pm »
Is the Epoch Super Cassette Vision in the database? If not, here's the info...

Which category should it go into?


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2019, 05:37:06 pm »
Requesting a revamp of the Mac section. Currently we have:

Apple Macintosh Classic [NA]
Apple Mac Classic [EU]

Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [EU]
Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [NA]
Apple Mac OS X (PowerPC) [NA]
Mac OS X [JP]

I propose changing it to:

Mac Classic [EU]
Mac Classic [NA]

macOS [EU]
macOS [JP]
macOS [NA]

The reason for the Mac Classic change is just to unify the names between the NA and EU regions, and "Mac Classic" is what Apple called the old system in its last days.

The current system was renamed from "Mac OS X" to simply "macOS" a few years ago. At this point I think it would make the most sense to combine the Intel and PowerPC sections into one "macOS [NA]", since they're still technically the same base system.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2019, 09:57:41 am »
Is there really a requirement to split Mac OS when X was released? Does it need to have a whole separate category, when PC does not have separate categories for DOS, Windows and NT derivitives?


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2019, 07:11:54 pm »
Is there really a requirement to split Mac OS when X was released? Does it need to have a whole separate category, when PC does not have separate categories for DOS, Windows and NT derivitives?

It's true, if the PC category doesn't distinguish between DOS and Windows, combining the Mac Classic and OS X sections into one single Mac category makes sense.

On one hand, OS X was a completely new system from a coding standpoint, and not directly compatible with any software from OS 9 and below. On the other hand, they were never competing platforms, since OS X was the direct successor for "Mac version" software.

To make cataloguing simpler, I'll vote for combining them.

Mac [EU]
Mac [JP]
Mac [NA]


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2019, 09:36:47 am »
See first post for my thought process on it, pending actions. Might as well keep all the Apple stuff together. Once that cat gets renamed, I can make the new categories (or I can make them now and then rename the cat later) and then move the entries from the Mac section into the appropriate one. Then we can request removal of the Mac category.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2019, 01:47:38 pm »
See first post for my thought process on it, pending actions. Might as well keep all the Apple stuff together. Once that cat gets renamed, I can make the new categories (or I can make them now and then rename the cat later) and then move the entries from the Mac section into the appropriate one. Then we can request removal of the Mac category.

Moving the Mac sub-categories over into the Apple Computers category is a good move.

Minor grievance: Calling the new Mac sub-categories "Apple Macintosh" seems sort of antiquated, since Apple hasn't used the full "Macintosh" name in 20 years, shortening it to "Mac" even before OS X came out. But then, nobody ever called it "Apple Mac" either. It's kinda like how Game Boy was never called the "Nintendo Game Boy", or the Neo Geo was never the "SNK Neo Geo".

I'd be more in favor of just calling the Mac categories "Mac", since it has the implication of both Classic Mac OS and OS X platforms, whereas "Apple Macintosh" has a more distinct flavor of the 1984-1997 era of computers.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 01:49:27 pm by zenimus »