Notes: Never knew this was a Ghost n' Goblins spin-off, but I really enjoyed this game's comedy and gameplay as a kid. Sadly the slow movement hasn't aged well.
Notes: Always wanted to play this as a kid, cus I found it wild they killed Liu Kang. Picked it up @ my local GIC along/w Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow(DS), Portrait of Ruin(DS), Bujingai(PS2), and Onimusha 2
Notes: Random $3 GameStop pick up when I was a kid, cus I used to see constant commercialized branding of Neopets growing up. So I got curious on the game
Notes: Not as good as Shinobi, cus the backtracking to open sealed gates sucks in this. But I used to listen to the opening level's track for a long time growing up.
Notes: It's weird! But you used to not see as much One Piece games back then, cus it wasn't as revered as DBZ or Naruto. Now times have changed oddly enough.
Notes: Not my favorite entry, but wanted to condition upgrade. Picked it up @ my local GIC along/w Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow(DS), Portrait of Ruin(DS), Bujingai(PS2), and MK Deadly Alliance(PS2)
Notes: A weird entry, but it grows on you over time. Given you could tell this was trying to capitalize on the West craving Japanese culture. Even tho people were more into Kung Fu back then.