So today I went to the BIGGEST Flea Market in Canada! And by big, I mean... take the biggest Flea Market in my area, and multiply its size by... around 8 times. I've never seen so many people in a flea market at once, and so many sellers. It was pretty cool just for that.
What that also means is that I've never seen so many RESELLERS. In fact, the only games I found on that day were from resellers... roughly... 7 resellers stands outside, and 2 inside... Well, minor exaggeration, a few other dealers had NHL games (we are in canada, after all)... so I don't count these... Anyways, my point is this was reseller central. Not a whole lot of reasonably-priced games there.
I still ended up getting a couple things:
Snowboard Kids 2 (a bit lower than the online price after the reseller dealt herself down)
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (around the online price)
Radical Rex (lower than the online price)
Rather dissapointed overall (though that's 3 games off my wishlist!), but it was nice to see such a big place with so many sellers, even though a lot of people were selling a lot of the same things... Let's just say there were more bootleg shirt sellers in that one flea market than total sellers in any other flea market I've been to before.