I feel ya, kash!
While I didn't *dislike* Escha + Logy...It's easily my least favorite Atelier game.
I've only played the PS3 games but, I've platted the PS3 versions of:(I haven't tried any of the Vita "Plus" games yet; the original, pain in my pasty, white ass)
Rorona, Totori, and Meruru
Ayesha and Escha + Logy.
I've got the PS R+ which, eventually, I'll get back to...if for nothing else than, for what must be the awesomeness of playing as Astrid!
I've got Shallie pre-ordered too - you getting it?
I don't really know a thing about it...
...is it the next and/or last one in the Dusk series?
The 1st game of a different sub-series, etc?
I suppose that I should be smart enough to research the things that I throw my...'kash'
on better --But-- there's certain games, series, genres, and devs & pubs that I'd be buying it just to "vote with my wallet", throw some love & support their way and, hope that enough other people will think & act the same way to encourage & be profitable enough for us to keep getting & seeing more of those games that'd never make it out of Japan well, make their way out of...Japan ^_^