Poked around the PS2 007 games I grabbed the other day and it was not good lol Agent Under Fire, the game I kinda got for free, was sadly too scratched to work at all. I'm pretty sure it's the bond game I'm thinking of I remember playing a lot of.
Nightfire started out kinda bad with your "tutorial" mission being pressing shoot a couple times because it was auto targeting things for you, and then you kinda got to drive the car for a short bit, and that was it. Then it puts you into a mission where it tells you nothing about the gear you have on you and just sorta lets you go. They don't understand tutortials very well lol
Everything or Nothing surprised me, being that it's a third person shooter, but it's kinda bad. You basically HAVE to target enemies, then fire to shoot them, mostly spending your time in cover unless you want to run and gun, which you can, but still forced into basically locking onto enemies. Was not impressed by that at all.
Didn't really play them very much and right off the bat, they have not aged too well other than maybe the alright intro movies for both. Probably just gonna trade these two in and see about buying Agent Under Fire this weekend to see if it's the game I wanted lol