Okay - So some 1st & very early thoughts & impressions for:
The Child of Light(Playing it on the PS3)...
+ Visually gorgeous; just beautiful
+ I'm liking the music that I've heard, so far
and, (so far) the only (but
pretty damned BIG) elephant in the room; aka
- I'm not liking that the whole telling of the story is done in simple & rhyming verses (think Jack & Jill/Mother Hubbard/Dr. Seuss/Fairy Tale) styles & cadences of rhyming; wtf

Not only could *I* have come up with some better-structured verses -but- limiting themselves in this way seems to make the telling of & the progression of the story...clunky & awkward.
By no means a game/deal breaker -but- an annoyance for sure.