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Topics - oldgamerz

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First you would need a spare PC, and not use your daily gaming PC unless you want the video game sound effects to play on the live radio servers. You need a LAN cord I would not use WIFI connection because otherwise your listeners would not get as clear of a connection speed, and less connection mean poorer sound quality or more buffering on your outer connections of the outer rims of the Internet. make sure your equalizer is not harmful to anyone's eardrums or ear sets. get Licensed and pay ASCAP or another company at least once a year. Don't run any ads or talk too much or few ads and less talk is fine also. Make the station interesting. Compile all your favorite songs into your personal playlist and lean how to use VLC version 3.0.3 I like that one the best because that version can compile over 28,000 audio recording but not any more than that 29,000  audio files is too risky. CASTHOST is who I associate with currently they are a Canadian and American company that offer data services for a fee. The bigger your data plan is the more it will cost you. You also need a reliable Networking service also known as an ISP in order to reach out and inwards across multiple devices across the world or wherever country you do not choose to ban but CASTHOST does not let you ban countries or states. CASTHOST is currently a reasonable priced data service for web admins or at least for radio servers they are reasonable.

Music does not matter some people even use video game music for there free service or bleeps and bops too. I use copyrighted music, but got my paid license and pay once a year. make sure you choose a wise name for your station I use an angelic theme and a custom angel mascot with a Facebook page and several free listed databases across the Internet that you must register manually to enter into their databases. CASTHOST does not always do things like they should be done in my past experience like enabling certain features.

You could just use the CASTHOST auto server and just upload your music with limited data plans. But use my own PC for the grinding and don't currently use Auto DJ service in which is a CASTHOST feature and involving using the CASTHOST service for playing the music instead of your own personal computers.

This helps if you want to own your own radio station but do not know networking as well as I do. Because I use a port and pay for my own webpage as well. I am connected to the world wide internet and I among bragging but currently get a minimal of 60,000 listeners in a 24 hour period depending on the time. In other words I work my ass off in doing a life long charity service to the public in owning 5 different internet main channels they are all listed under Oldgamerz Community Links under the "Video Showcase Forum" on this web forum of VGcollect

Serving God is worth the cost and the way I look at life is I am not going to live forever so I might as well (try) to (help) improve the lives of others, and give the life to others I never really had.

Hardware and Tech / What Was Your Longest Lasting PC Computer
« on: May 14, 2024, 04:36:19 am »
My family had home PC dating back to the Apple II and was eventually thrown out in the MID 1990's but still worked just fine also another 386 computer that lasted over 10 years before it was thrown out sometime around the year 2000 my current Power Spec is listed on the New PC Thread somewhere on this same hardware and tech forum, it is currently 9 1/2 years old close to 10 full year old hardware but the video card is close to 14 1/2 years old as the date of this post here, As I explained in the New PC thread close to this post on my account, my 10 year old Powerspec is rickety and old and also damaged too, but it is vary clean inside because I just cleaned it a few weeks ago as of this post. Now both computers today run non stop I used them as servers sometimes as a display piece for other people to see. But I maintain them daily, and both run just fine. :-\

Video Showcase / Oldgamerz Community Links
« on: May 08, 2024, 03:56:13 am »
I am not free to post things on this forum as much so I'll leave this behind anyway for those who I care about this is my video game community. You do not need to join because the following link I am giving you is my own reedit community that is public .

But only I can make and approve posts but, it includes video game tips and this is a video game forum so? My new YouTube channel can also be found in a link at the following reedit community as well well here it is and don't worry about seeing me on here much anymore I do not want to be apart of a community I am not welcome into anymore.

(edit) I own (49,851) retro video games including variations an but probably will not record most of my physical copies for a long time or ever because I have a limited budget but and some of those games are free mods and free games that are 20 years or older but most of my physical copies are newer, I told you this because I am a video game preserver. I purchased mostly all of them with real money and not credit and don't tell me about pirary because I did not pirate them. I bought them fair and square and their is proof of it too, somewhere on the online records somewhere.

If you play the game against the AI? you can simply anger the hacker off by forcing them to program the game for you ;D

General / Your Own Definition Of A Video Game Pirate?
« on: December 31, 2023, 11:56:00 pm »
My definition of a video game (Master Pirate) is someone who steals games and never pays back or does anything with them. that is a true pirate.

my definition of a (Versa Pirate) is someone who. Downloads new games and takes money or credit for something they did not build or create any of them or anything in them.

(Upa Pirate's) are people that upload stuff from other people's games and make them into their own and take all the credit.

(Script Pirate's) edit code and sometimes break the entire video games or controller or console. on purpose

(Waga Pirate's) in my own opinion, setup up casino games for real money and tell people it is only fake coins or currency.

(Diablo Pirate's) in my own definition of one. just like to cake up your video game while you're playing it online. or sometimes offline.

(Mass Pirate's) love to just like to mess people's heads.

(Devine Pirate's) just create games to hack people sometimes. or into the OS.

highly Illegal Pirates are all the above

(Medium Pirate's) have no money and download new games only without paying full price for them or nothing at all.

(Low life pirate's) only download old games and then pay people for them even when they don't need to pay any money cash or credit at all.

What is your own definitions of a pirate of video games, and no SpongeBob posts, or peter pan jokes? because they have nothing to do with video games pirates at all. or if they do? then feel free to post about that.

I am probably the low life pirate that pays for stuff given out for free to me, only because I found out the easy way, I can sometimes avoid malware that way.

General / Video Game ROM Archives Could Be Dirty I Tried to Tell Them.
« on: December 31, 2023, 06:59:46 am »
Yea someone has got to clean the hamster archives, because some of the games won't even go through my internet connection and some will. That could mean certain ZIP or 7Z folders have, malware or something? yea hackers love to piss hard working people off including the ones who only do charity work.

(raises both hands here)

 i told them about it, and they did not listen, and I pay them a $10USD donation first after I downloaded a lot of free ROMS that nobody sold anywhere else on the Internet. yea Jason is angry at those kinds of people too. Because those people have 0 respect for anything good in the world.

And the only thing mostly those people care about probably is illegal drugs and jewelry. and maybe shoes, and the best toilet money can purchase on the Earth. and bad food and how to destroy something else good in the world.


had it up to hear with people like that. Not all. someone here knows what I meant by these words.

I hate the ones who do it for just the sake of a good time.

Off Topic / Your Astrology Understanding Thread
« on: December 29, 2023, 08:29:52 am »
Morning Star could be Jason (good) Sirus A

Sirus B is Me Christopher and Sirus C is a sibling of Sirus A as well. Beetle Guise   is Guess who?

Capella is evil, 2 Mass is 2 centers of the Universe and you should never go there ever. the 14 Seraphim small dwarf stars control the entire Universe Sirus B is me I could help the other 2 control the Universe. strange but yea .

Earth sun is a throne, and female angel

The Devil Star is BJ

Off Topic / Don't eat Jolly ranchers trust me
« on: December 26, 2023, 02:41:22 am »
Short words I ate a couple of them and almost every time I did I lost a gum tooth, the candy acid ate right through my entire tooth and lost 1 wisdom tooth 2 molars and probably at least 16 filled cavitied, and probably only ate less then 12 of them in a lifetime, Luckly I still have most of my teeth left, but take my advice and don't eat a (hard) one but soft ones is always ok? if you can still chew it without choking on one without any teeth. I am not trying to be funny, but those things also taste nasty to me as well I much prefer a warhead sour candy, even though I don't really like those anymore either.

please save your dentist bill and your teeth and do not eat a hard one, my 5th grade teacher loved them, and I don't want to talk about him right now.

Off Topic / Lord Of the Rings Movies All Talk
« on: December 15, 2023, 06:17:41 pm »
The Anti Christ Wizzard is Gandolph Wizzard's real son, and the master move on Gandalf was to block his own father from entering a war zone for anymore eternity on the old earth. he tried to fight him but did not have to power to 4 times probably and Gandolph didn't listen and became Jesus probably in real life, you watch the movie now Fellowship of the Ring and find out the lord ring belongs to the Anti-Christ Wizzard and not forto Baggins. and that ring is something invisible in my home probably, after the wizard bad fell he was kicked, and the ring disappeared from him and he never even cared about that dam ring to begin with.

Off Topic / What does a (real) casino game do today probably but not sure?
« on: December 13, 2023, 02:12:57 pm »
Rupees are a real and not a fake casino game controlled by the t master that if your volunteer to play them they will suck you wallet and credit cards and debit card so far you will be in debt for life and all your life fortunes will go to t master, rupees are a real casino game, and a fake casino game is 100% better than the real thing.

General / Classic Console Call Of Duty Mostly Explained 6th Gen
« on: December 11, 2023, 02:53:38 pm »
The 1st Call of duty I ever played was Call Of Duty Finest Hour in which is or was the hardest Call of Duty Game I ever played before and I played a lot of it, and all the rest of 6th and 7th console generation Call of Duty games including Call of Duty Black Ops I and II and beat all of them,

but it can take a while (especially) Finest Hour because that one is Hard try it or watch a channel video not necessary from YouTube but you can. but sometimes YouTube is dangerous but that is out of this topic so do not ask me about YouTube today or ever,

 but try Call of Duty Finest Hour single player Campaign last, trust me, it is fun, but it is vary vary hard, but that is not a real event it is only a video game reaction with buttons. but just play it to get somewhat of an idea of what World War II was like for some of the WWII veteran's, mostly the allies' soldiers of USA British and Russian elite forces in which never says that but that is who you are playing with in the video games.

Classic Video Games / Gargoyle Video Games
« on: December 05, 2023, 09:48:25 pm »
try downloading "police quest 1"(origional) and walk up to the police sarges desk and type in "pull my finger" and read the message you get.


or just see how to lose this script video game "here"

Off Topic / Take Better Care Of Your Windows OS's
« on: December 04, 2023, 04:00:17 pm »
Disk cleanup actually when ran as admin can actually be set to remove malware that sometime your WIN DEF automatically finds without telling you it finds some, also a CCleaner is good, but it can be hacked also and used for bad purposes, but turn off the updates for it ok? CCleaner is a free registry cleaner that fixes malware even better than window defender or even the firewall programs or app out there. Ok you can also run CHKDSK on your hard drive to fix error caused by some malware ok? you can run a CMD command prompt to with admin and type "netstat" to see everyone's hidden VPN IP addresses who has access to your PC on windows, but I don't use PowerShell.

ok? you can also run a defragment on that old hard drive or hardrives in those computers, but NOT OFTEN because Microsoft usually does that for you unless you stop the service or caked in, yup malware on your PC. Make sure your darn start menu is always visible otherwise IT WILL stay hidden. yea highway to hell huh? well take care of your computer and it will take better care of you good day all. Oh yea run a full defender scan once in a while and a manual quick scan and enable "ransomware" protection on window 10 ok, on every single folder and file that you care about that is NOT the OS folder, not done chewing yet,

Restart the PC once in a while and use EmptyStandbyList if you can find it still. to free up RAM automatically without requiring the restart the darn PC every hour ok? not done, that will confuse people but not Microsoft and that is a good thing now is it not? because Microsoft usually is there to help you, talk to them and not Cortona because she is a darn machine that does not know what to say most times ok? Dust those insides once in a while to prevent damage around the CORES of the Processor, ok? not done chewing, ok. take that thing in for repairs and usually the WIFI is the most sensitive thing on that computer or device???

A WIFI chip is good for reading a long range WIFI in a Cassle or a mansion, like BILL GATES is supposed to have right??? BUT it can be hacked easier than an often-cheaper WIFI cube. FIX THAT USB otherwise you will have problems with connection speed and proformance too. OK Update those drivers and reset them sometimes after a severe malware infection the PC, ok? roll back sometimes but then UPDATE, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL SO any help on this thread is greatly appreciated.

Off Topic / Oldgamerz life Cyberbully Hell How Is Your Cyberlife?
« on: December 04, 2023, 01:56:30 am »
yea cyberbullying is really smart especially when you can push one button or copy somebody Elses script and mess with an entire or whoever you do not like right? this is a topic about your opinion of cyberbullying, and how you feel about it, been there done the victim for over 18 years now. and it was all because I talked about Gamestop at a location that WAS NOT EVEN GAMESTOP!!!

they really kicked my ass for not saying my experience at the real GameStop location. and those people didn't even WORK at GAMESTOP and I was giving that other store a compliment yea, then? yea next day I fired up my XP computer only to find that my 20GB harddrive was half used up by somebody elses data, then I learned to become smart, and forced one of the hackers that did it to teach me in high school, not to hack but to learn how to design web pages, and passed and had my certificate stolen after I won them fair in square in all three courses after the teacher forced a test on me on stuff I never EVER LEARNED yet.

Yea then GameStop did other things too. but I don't know all those things because there were too many to count, Hacked emails, yea hacked windows hacked drivers, broken video games and broken video game controllers, yea laugh it up ass wipes laugh it the fuck up. At least I never fought back right??????????????????????????????

how can you fight back if you don't know who or what is really doing it, then poison my meds 3 times too while you were at it once from a whole year from thronal true story, how does everyone know why I am so pissed today right???

I am starring at 1500 of these POSOSSMPOS who all gained up on me in the first 24 hours

Our award-winning POS system
Simple, secure, and powerful. Take control of your business with our award-winning POS systems. ​


had enough yet had enough yet WILL AND FORCED TO SURVIE even after wanting to kill myself after the 1st 2 years of this


Ok YOUR controller should NEVER become a sex toy, padrone  Me Francis

yea if you use the controller vibrate for too long on most video game controllers (espcecially) wireless one yea (modern ones) that battery Beetlejuice will eventually wear down to the cores. so remember this, now who is going to respond to this one huh??

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