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Topics - kamikazekeeg

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Modern Video Games / Konami and their games...
« on: September 23, 2015, 07:09:34 am »
With my daily play of Metal Gear Solid V as I work slowly towards 100% completion (screw you multi-hour development time on weapons and gear!) and how Konami is done with AAA development (outside of Metal Gear Online they still have to release and PES'16), it got me thinking of what is the likelihood of Konami letting other companies utilize their properties? They are essentially holding their properties hostage, relegated to suffering as Pachinko and mobile titles, but is there a comparable instance in game development history where a company let another developer/publisher utilize their properties to create a game? Like if Platinum wanted to make Metal Gear Rising 2, and they found a way to fund it through another publisher, is this a small possibility? It has no risk for Konami and with how money focused they are, it would be pure profit for them if they just get money based off sales, could that entice the uber businessmen that rule Konami?

I actually just thought of a comparable thing maybe after bringing up Platinum, with Bayonetta 2.  Platinum wanted to make it, Sega wasn't wanting to dive into that, so Nintendo pops in, offers to get it going on their system, helping with the funding, with I'm sure Sega getting some profit from it in some way.  Am I right in thinking that? What if to get more hype going for Nintendo's NX, they go over to Konami and say "Hey, how about you let us make Metal Gear Rising 2 with Platinum again for the NX and maybe a new 2D Castlevania with another...Retro (or whoever)?"

All lofty thinking for sure and unlikely to happen I feel, but I felt the topic was interesting enough to discuss.

Of course right after I post this, I find a new article that just got posted that says that Konami ISN'T abandoning consoles and franchises will continue, but this isn't super official at all, so the topic is still worthwhile enough to at least discuss should it come down to them actually leaving consoles behind or at least highly minimizing their console presence in favor of other methods.

Classic Video Games / Gotta Go Fast: A Sonic Retrospective?
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:03:38 am »
Anyone interested in maybe kinda doing a look back into the Sonic series over the years? Starting with the first one and basically hitting most of what could be considered main series releases up till now?  Not sure if I'm gonna consider doing everything with a full playthrough or not, there's some real nasty games in there, but maybe at least a good couple hours out of them at least.  Kinda like the 52 games thread over in General, you either playthrough the game or put some time in and just give kinda your thoughts on it, what you liked and didn't, throw in some nostalgic memories if you got them.  Just sorta gets everyone looking and playing at the same time and sharing experiences.

-Sonic 1
-Sonic 2
-Sonic 3
-Sonic & Knuckles
-Sonic CD
-Sonic Adventure
-Sonic Adventure 2
-Sonic '06
-Sonic & The Secret Rings
-Sonic Unleashed
-Sonic & The Black Knight
-Sonic the Hedgehog 4
-Sonic Colors
-Sonic Lost World
-Sonic Boom

I'm sure a few others could fit into there and I'd avoid the handheld ones.  Side games could be done for the heck of it too as I wouldn't mind checking out some of the PS2 ones other than Shadow.  Think I remember playing Sonic Riders.  I'm no reviewer or lets player, though this could make for an interesting start for a video series, but I think it would be just sorta fun as a look back at the Hedgehog over the years.  I haven't played much of any of them in a very long time and there are many I never played such as the Wii ones and the Adventure series.  Maybe it's been a long time for everyone else or maybe you've just been needing an excuse to dive into certain Sonic games lol

I would have to play a lot of them on PC though.  Steam has most of the main games other than anything Nintendo related, so that is easy enough for like the Adventure and Sonic CD games.  Man, 25 bucks for Sonic 4 though.  I heard that isn't very good lol

Modern Video Games / Pokken Tournament Wii U - Spring 2016
« on: August 21, 2015, 11:18:59 am »
Finally it was confirmed for the Wii U.  I just realized this is basically the only kinda big Pokemon game the system will likely ever get.  I wonder why they never tried to do more.  Pokemon Stadium? Pokemon Snap 2? That's literally the most absolutely perfect game to utilize the gamepad for.

Prepare yourself for Pikachu Libre!

This is kinda interesting, but Ubi is re-releasing the game on modern systems, I'm assuming to make up for less than stellar sales on the Wii U.  I might actually be interested in this and I own the Wii U version.  I think in concept, the game was a cool idea, but I found myself getting abit annoyed by all of the camera movement using the gamepad.  I'm spinning in my chair examining everything and it gets kinda uncomfortable.  Some ideas were great, such as no pausing, in that you have to be exposed to danger to look at your gamepad and get stuff out of your inventory.  It also wasn't that great looking of a game, even if it was an early Wii U title, it just wasn't very nice looking, so if it turns out to be like a 20 or 30 dollar digital title with better performance and maybe some updated visuals, I might grab it again for PC.

A guy on a local game FB page I'm a part of posted this picture of what is frankly a big statue thing, 20 to 30 pounds, and was told it was a Japanese Video Game character or mascot or something.  Anyone have anything on it? Some basic googling didn't come up with any details.  Figured that someone here might know about the Japanese side of gaming might recognize whatever this gorilla is.

Marketplace / For Sale: Batman Arkham Knight PC Code
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:50:08 pm »
Got an extra digital copy of Arkham Knight for PC, figured I'd see if anyone would be interested in it for 30 bucks.

This to me very much looks like Comcept is gonna be looking at doing to Mega Man Legends what they did with Mega Man.  Lots of "Legends" talk and the characters have that Legends feel.  If this is happening, I want it way more than ever wanting Mighty No. 9 lol

Hardware and Tech / PC Upgrade Check/Tips
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:10:03 pm »
I know abit about PC's with putting them together, but I always like to check with people that know a lot more on this to see if it is worth it and properly compatible.  I was originally gonna get a PS4, but I'm leaning towards some upgraded hardware instead for my PC to maximize upcoming games like Arkham Knight, Fallout 4, and Star Wars Battlefront among others.

My plan was to spend the 400 bucks on a new graphics card and some more RAM, but I wanted to see if people see this as compatible and if they feel the upgrade will be noticeable enough.

These are my original parts, I was just going to double the RAM, so I know the RAM is compatible.

Figured I'd go from my 2gb 670, to this 4gb 970 and if I have to worry about PSU issues or if I should look at different upgrades as I'm trying to keep it around the 400 dollar range if I can.

Modern Video Games / Fallout 4
« on: June 14, 2015, 11:35:28 pm »
After that outstanding presentation for the game, I'm more hyped than I thought I could be for this game.  Not only is it out this year, but it's basically improvements and new additions across the board, from something as basic as voices for your male or female character, to full settlement creation within the game that is highly detailed, full weapon crafting/customization, to altering and enhancing your own set of jet packing power armor.

For the game collectors, the Fallout 4 collector's edition comes with a complete full size replica of the ingame Pip Boy, for which you can set your phone inside and utilize the free app they are creating to have possibly the most interesting two screen set up I've seen.

Off Topic / Favorite Childhood Films
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:19:07 am »
Been awhile since I watched the good 'ole Robin Hood from Disney and it got me thinking about what I consider to be my real favorites/classics of my childhood.  There's a lot I think are still good, enjoyable movies, but I really feel like it's truly just a handful of films that I can watch and just feel good, help kinda bring some peace of mind.

1. TMNT (1990)

2. The Princess Bride

3. Disney's Robin Hood

I know there's a couple more, but I'm spacing on what I would consider something truly classic for me. Like I went back to watch Secret of Nimh, which still has fantastic animation, it just doesn't hold up quite as well I felt.  I'll come back to it when I figure 'em out.

Modern Video Games / Mighty No. 9: Signature Edition
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:26:56 pm »
For 60 bucks, there's a collector's version of the game available.  I want to get it, but amazon only has a listing for Xbone and PS4, not sure if it is exclusive to that or not.  I might forgo the Wii U version for a PS4 version if that is so.

Modern Video Games / Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
« on: May 11, 2015, 03:49:13 pm »
As it's been hinted, Koji Igarashi is going to be making a brand new Castlevania-styled game.  I was never huge into the series, but I think it'll be a cool game.

Modern Video Games / Splatoon
« on: May 09, 2015, 04:08:44 pm »
Did anyone put some time into the demo? I think it's a pretty fun game overall, though I hope Turf War can have the chance of being abit longer.  It's pretty short, even if the turnaround time isn't that long between matches.  I feel like the roller is a mild bit OP in terms of paint spreading for the mode, though it is out-ranged by every other gun, even with it's shotgun-like paint fling and unless they get the jump on you, usually you can get them first.  The sniper also seems a little underpowered for the mode.  I know it can do long reaches fairly well in terms of paint spreading, good for long paths, but I think both the Uzi and the Roller do more generally and are more reliable in combat, though the sniper might just need some extra time to get good at it.

My favorite was definitely the Uzi as it spreads paint well, has a long tank life, and the gadget you get with the shield is great when you need to rush people.  Took three people out once with it on since you can run over enemy ink lol

I think this game is gonna be a refreshing thing for the Wii U.  It plays well, it's uniquely entertaining compared to any other shooter out there. Nintendo did right with this.

Modern Video Games / Yooka-Laylee!
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:11:30 pm »
Been waiting for the announcement for a while now, but finally Playtonic Games revealed what exactly their game and characters will be for their spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie...Yooka-Laylee! I know I should keep my expectations in check, but seeing this and A Hat in Time making their way through development to reinvigorate the mostly dead 3D platform genre has me excited.

The kickstarter will be going up tomorrow, but we do have our characters...

Madmax: Added link to post so that it's easier to find :)

Marketplace / Xenoblade Chronicles 3D & Shulk Amiibo
« on: April 23, 2015, 06:13:35 pm »
Selling a played copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D for the New 3DS and an unsealed Shulk Amiibo.  It had the razor trick done on it to get the sticker out of it, so it still can be displayed, but used if you want.  Game only has a few hours of play into it.

Looking to sell them for $60 which will include shipping.

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