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Topics - kamikazekeeg

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Modern Video Games / Hyrule Warriors
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:00:21 am »
Finally it is coming out next week and I'm pretty excited for it.  It seems to be about as good as I was expecting it to be according to a review I watched, which it will probably be nothing really amazing because it is the repetitive Dynasty Warriors gameplay, but overall still a pretty fun game with a lot to collect and accomplish in it.

It's also been released that the three villains of the game will be added for free to the game as playable characters in the next update.  There will be monthly DLC which will include kind of a little bit of everything with each one, ranging from game modes, new adventure maps (Which I believe is the Zelda NES map, so maybe more based on like A Link to the Past and others?), new characters, and new costumes.  It's basically a season pass thing where if you pre-order it, you'll get Dark Link right away.  This is for the Japanese version right now, so not sure if any of that will change when the North American version is released.

Modern Video Games / Final Fantasy XV!
« on: September 17, 2014, 09:48:44 pm »
As much hate I slap onto Final Fantasy XIII that I feel it rightly deserves, I've been excited for Final Fantasy XV for a while now, back when it had the terrible title of Versus XIII.  New footage of it has come out of TGS and it's looking nice.

I love this modern/fantasy mixed setting.  It looks to be a much more open game than we've had before with the series, at least I hope so.  The combat looks to be a more serious take on what we got in Kingdom Hearts and I like a good action game.  It's probably why I don't like Final Fantasy XIII's combat, because it is trying to be more actiony and exciting, but it never actually becomes that.

If this turns out right, this could be the game that pushes me into finally getting a PS4.  I'm waiting for a build up of games and within the next year, maybe two, they might all come out.  Bloodborne, Deep Down, Final Fantasy XV, maybe even Kingdom Hearts 3. Some pretty serious Japanese game releases.

Off Topic / Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: September 01, 2014, 06:03:40 am »
As we were starting to take up the other thread with pure anime talk and with it becoming more than just what we watched, figured we could do with a discussion thread for everything Anime related, tossing in Manga if you read it, to I guess even if J-Pop, J-Rock, or whatever else Japanese related.

I last posted my anime list I put together.  Should have most of what I have watched, though I'm sure I'm missing stuff here and there, particularly older anime I'm spacing on.

Modern Video Games / Sony Press Event Roundup
« on: September 01, 2014, 05:15:33 am »
*EDIT* I seem to have not realized this isn't from TGS lol I kept seeing "Pre-TGS" stuff, but this stuff mostly just came out of some Sony Press event happening.  That isn't "Pre-TGS" when it's over two weeks out! Editing title.

We can use this to round up anything of interest coming out of the show.

Already there is the confirmation of the Resident Evil: Revelations 2, which will apparently have a new story and protaganist.  Teaser trailer is just live action stuff, involving something with wrist bands that say if you are infected or not.  It's very vague lol It's been confirmed to be released on pretty much every platform other than handheld and Wii U and will be out early 2015.

Bloodborne is out in Japan come February 5th, which means not too long after that will be the international release.  First quarter at least.  This game is a big pull to the PS4 for me, though I'm still needing more.

Yakuza Zero set in 1988, will be released in spring 2015.

Dragon Quest Heroes coming to PS4 next year.  It's being made by the Dynasty Warriors guys and will be a hack and slash like that.  Probably could be comparable to Hyrule Warriors I guess.

Hardware and Tech / Good "Behind the Head" headset?
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:04:14 am »
I've had these big Logitech gaming headphones for awhile now and while they have good sound, I still can't wear them too long without my ears starting to hurt.  I really prefer ones with the band behind the ears, but I never really see any good ones around that aren't just cheapos like I've had in the past.  Kinda looking for recommendations in like the 40 to 75 dollar range if possible, maybe squeezing it out to 100 bucks.  Nothing crazy fancy, just hopefully something that might fit comfortably for long lengths of time.

Seems like all the good gaming headsets are the big over ear kind and I think I just have a noggin to big for those comfortably with my ears stuffed into them.  Another option might be more of the "On Ear" type that rest on the ear rather than trying to envelop my ears, but that's if I can't find any of the first type I talked about.

General / Gaming shows you enjoy!
« on: August 17, 2014, 12:02:43 pm »
I figure a good portion of us generally watch game related shows online, whether it is just a lets play or a review or a full retrospective on something, we like games, so we like to watch stuff about games.  Figure we could share some shows we enjoy as I seem to come across new stuff every so often.  Maybe expose someone to a new show.

To start, I'll post Game Sack, a show that is more about showing off multiple games within a certain topic, for a larger review of upwards to 30 minutes and sometimes longer.  It has two hosts with their own tastes, playfully one being more of a Nintendo guy, the other Sega, but they show some nice depth into the type of games they'll play, learning more about games you might not have heard of.  Very good production values also, especially through most of their back catalog which is nice for a show as for me it gets abit tough to watch a show with shoddy production even if the host might be entertaining.

Another to add will be The Completionist.  I've followed him for awhile now and really love his show.  He prides himself on quality production and with all the game review shows out there, one that is dedicated to a games completion and all of its secrets really stands out to me.  Videos are anywhere between twenty to thirty minutes, there's good humor mixed in with his friend Greg and I find them both to be real genuine people and the kind you want to meet cause you'd think of them real cool to hang with and just talk about games.  Also the man has one of the beastliest beards in gaming.  It can get pretty epic lol

I'll post a few more later on once the ball gets rolling.

That might just seems like a mish mash of pop culture right now, but that actually means that there is a brand new Silent Hill game coming, designed by Hideo Kojima, directed by Guillermo Del Toro, starring Norman Reedus.  If you want to turn a series around, that's how you freaking do it lol

Modern Video Games / Resident Evil Remake HD Coming to Most Consoles...
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:19:07 pm »

Basically it's the 2002 remake in HD, with some slightly updated features, including a control scheme where if you keep going in the direction of where your analog is going.  It's not the perfect scheme, but I like they are altering it.  I really had a problem with the pre-Resident Evil 4 games due to their controls, I couldn't stand them at all, so any change to that might make me like them as I only ever beat Dead Aim and Resident Evil 3, though I've played pretty much every single RE game other than maybe Survivor.

Modern Video Games / Shovel Knight Help
« on: July 31, 2014, 05:49:14 pm »
Just a quick thing, but is there anyone else that has beaten the game and still has the last battle available? I need a good screenshot of the Enchantress's final form for reference.  Just simply use the Steam picture screenshot which is F12, preferably a shot with no part obscured or energy blasts showing.  I have the game beat, but I restarted on new game+ and I'm still at the beginning and don't want to replay it at the moment lol

Hardware and Tech / PS One Video Issue
« on: July 21, 2014, 02:52:19 am »
I thought I had a working PS One, the little mini PS1, but it has like this serious burned out visual issue.  I thought it was a bad AV cord, but I tried another with no luck.  It reads the game just fine, i can play, but I can barely see what is going on, super dark, just not right.  Anything I can look at for this possibly?  I have two right now and the other doesn't seem to read discs anymore, so I'd like to see if I can at least try to fix this one.

Modern Video Games / Fatal Frame
« on: July 17, 2014, 06:21:27 pm »
A new Fatal Frame was announced for the Wii U in Japan.

I'm really hoping it gets brought over here as I heard one or two others haven't.  I'm normally not a huge horror fan beyond zombie games, but I always had a soft spot for Fatal Frame.  The older ones use to scare the crap out of me and my friends lol I imagine they use the gamepad to do the camera stuff, sorta like how you would use it for ZombiU for scanning, which seems like the obvious use for it.

General / Similar games to Zelda on Gamecube
« on: June 18, 2014, 06:24:45 pm »
Basically my dad plays ALOT of Zelda in his free time.  I grew up with the original NES with me and him playing it and once he retired and needed time to fill, I got him into the rest of the Zelda games.  He's played pretty much everything other than the Wii and DS ones cause of the motion controls and being on handheld only.

So I was thinking of more games that might be similar to Zelda, nothing too over-complicated or too crazy with the combat that he might be able to handle.  So basically maybe action rpg type stuff, probably nothing involving turn based as I don't think he'd be super interested in that.  I got him Starfox Adventures, but after awhile, he wasn't really liking it.  Open to any ideas for what to look at getting him.

Modern Video Games / E3 Thread!
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:54:59 pm »
Not gonna hit on everything here, so lets just post what interests you as it all comes out.

I will commend Xbox this year for a purely game driven show.  They said it was games and it was.  No pushing kinect or tv, no sports, just gaming.  Overall, alot of multi-system stuff, but the exclusives that stood out was Sunset Overdrive which looks like Jet Set Radio had a baby with Dead Rising.  Crackdown 3 I'm interested for the potential as the first game was a lot of fun, 2 was balls, so hopefully they handle it better, especially since they have to be better than Saints Row 4 which was like a spiritual successor practically lol And then Scalebound by Platinum games could be interesting, will depend on actual gameplay, but the trailer makes it to be your some modern guy with headphones that fights with sword and magic, utilizing dragons to fight increasingly larger giant monsters.  So How To Train Your Dragon, but badass I guess lol

That's just the start so far.  EA up next.  Hoping for Battlefront footage with this one.

Modern Video Games / Hyrule Warriors
« on: May 21, 2014, 12:48:40 pm »
Before it's E3 reveal, Famitsu has info on the game and it's sounding pretty cool, with there being multiple characters to play as in the game, along with it being a two player game.

- Official pricing: Retail – 7,980 yen, eShop – 6,980, Premium Box Set – 11,664
- Premium set includes a Triforce-shaped clock and serial codes for 6 special costumes
- A “Treasure Box” will also be available on Amazon and Tecmo Koei’s online store “GAMECITY”
- No details on the Treasure Box yet
- Link, an in-training soldier, must rescue the Princess Zelda from the witch Shia, who has been turned evil somehow
- Famitsu confirms a 2-player mode in which one person plays on the GamePad and the other plays on the TV
- GamePad acts as a menu when playing alone
- Can equip characters with different weapons to change the way they fight
- Weapons include speed focused one-handed swords to heavier weapons that focus on damage
- Game includes a weapon upgrade system and character growth/improvement
- Musou action combined with the Zelda series’ Z-targeting means you can avoid attacks and focus on enemy weak spots
- Zelda series’ spin attack appears instead of the Musou Ranbu (?) of the musou franchise
- Bombs won’t be used for just throwing at enemies
- Impa, a captain of the Royal Army, appears as a playable character wielding a giant long sword.
- There will be several other playable characters
- Aonuma was surprised by how many characters there are
- Playable at E3 2014 next month
- 70% complete

Classic Video Games / Top 3 Games of a Generation
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:59:01 pm »
I was just thinking about this the today and if you had to pick one specific generation of games, what would be your top 3? You can go through all the generations if you want to put the time into it also lol

PS2/Xbox/GC Era (I think Dreamcast too? I forget which era that fits into)

Resident Evil 4 - GC/PS2 - This is one hell of a multi-system game for me.  I played it at least a half dozen times on the Gamecube when it first came out, this game was just fantastic.  I never really liked the previous ones, I hated the controls too much, but this one with its better control scheme and vast amounts of replayability to upgrade weapons and unlock extras had me replaying it so much.  Then they released it on PS2 with even more content and I played it a few more times there.  This is a serious favorite of mine.  Been meaning to actually grab the recent HD release as I heard they actually did it right this time lol

Halo: Combat Evolved - Xbox - While Halo became sort of the mainstream knockaround game for AAA franchises (Before Call of Duty took over), the first was a game I truly enjoyed.  It wasn't just a big fun campaign that was good with a friend, it had amazing multiplayer to it.  It was what Goldeneye was on the N64, it's local play was absolutely fantastic.  Me and my friends since the launch of that would get together every weekend to play Halo.  We would be down in my friends room with upwards of four tvs and systems all networked together to play games that could last a few hours since we liked to play with no shields, making deaths quick lol We even did some slightly more professional matches locally within the gaming community we had where we had teams put together to fight others.  We regularly played after that till around Halo 3 where we started to fade away from the series.  That game will always have good memories for me.

Metal Gear Solid 3 - PS2 - The third one was kind of a hard choice, I knew it was likely to be a PS2 game, but I wasn't sure if I was gonna put Okami or something like Kingdom Hearts 2 down for this, but I feel in the end, I have played more Metal Gear Solid 3 than those two.  As a series, I think it's mostly just okay.  I didn't play the first one, only watched it, and then I had played MGS2, which was just alright, but MGS3 was awesome.  I love how it added in survival elements, you could defeat bosses in multiple ways, lots of collectible stuff, it just had some great replay value which matters to me and involves lots of collecting and finding items. It also has a number of very memorable moments in it where you are basically gonna always remember them.

I might spend the time and go through the rest of the generations here eventually.  I also think 360/PS3/Wii counts now since we are into the...8th? I think that's right with the Xbox One/PS4/Wii U.

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