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Messages - oldgamerz

Pages: 1 ... 160 161 [162] 163 164 ... 183
General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 07, 2018, 09:57:13 pm »

the 2D cinematic platformer Oddworld games are beyond frustrating.

Does anyone who ever play Abe's Oddysee for the PC know exactly what the fart button is for?
It was part of the game along with the chanting and taking control of the enemies.

Yea I played Abe's Oddysee It was fun, but You get killed a lot since you have no weapons in that game other then chant and fart.

Farting would wake up the enemies and stop others from following you but that is about all I think it did

General / How Is Your Collection Arranged
« on: April 07, 2018, 09:35:38 pm »
Do you have your games arranged or mixed up?, by genre or type, or some kind of special way? :)

For myself I have a box with a drawer filled with shooting games mostly FPS games another box with Miscellaneous games.

A shelf of golf games and another small shelf of Genesis and Super Nintendo games, and another shelf for compilations and arcade conversions

To be honest, even at most flea markets SNES  most games are more the $10. However you might have better luck at Garage Sales and some flea markets or conventions but usually not so much

(examples of expensive online stores claiming to be the cheapest way to find SNES games)

Probally the cheapest online way for Americans to purchase Super Nintendo games for under $10

Heck you can find just about every other system for less especially at flea markets

Classic Video Games / Re: Atlanta road racing simulator???
« on: April 05, 2018, 07:51:59 pm »
I'm quite hopeful that it isn't discrot as I suspect that installer was trying to start installing DirectX or similar at that point and Win 10 probably blocked that.
To add to that commenter on Youtube video seemed to get same error message when trying to launch his copy so I think that's just some bad coding from Ubi Soft part.

One way to make sure it is not disc rot is to hold the CD upside down facing an over head light. it is better to flip the CD looking on it's shiny side then hold it up to the light. If you see any white dots shining through the CD then you have disc rot for sure. It is good to check this out on all CD's and DVD's and even Blurays can actually have rot

Classic Video Games / Re: Atlanta road racing simulator???
« on: April 05, 2018, 06:06:41 pm »
Chances are if you can only install up to 98% then your CD is corrupt, It may or may not be due to disc rot. I've had a lot of games that I love corrupted for PC including my all my favorite games growing up. Also Hackers burned over my CD's and caused them to be corrupt in my theory but also I may have had disc rot.

there is no fix for this, once a PC game gets corrupt you need to buy a new copy and also run it on an older PC. I am sorry to say this but you may have to abandon this game since steam don't even sell this game or GOG. but chances are yea someone could have been an ass hole and burned over this copy if you ever ran this game on a computer without an internet connection

Newer bigger and positively even better games in my opinion are going for a lot less for just about every single console except the Super Nintendo

Usually it is the rich that purchase Super Nintendo games and NEO GEO. Super Nintendo games I just can't get into in which is why. I think they should go down in price unless your paying for more then one game per cartridge. there are better games in my opinion going for a lot less.

Challenge and frustration should not cost an arm and a leg. at least NES games are not as high as the Super Nintendo.

General / Re: Help a newcomer; name your favourite exclusive games
« on: April 04, 2018, 07:11:07 am »
I can't really think of enough games to play since I am not quite sure if we have the same exact taste but I can give you a decent online link where I bought a whole ton of my collection online and that has free shipping if you live within the United States I love this site its called

I raved on another thread about how much I can't stand the current status of mostly every Super Nintendo game on the used cartridge only on every single flea market, convention and or even online.

If so, has anyone ever payed less then $10 on ANY NON sports game on the Super Nintendo/ SNES for the last lets say 4 years?

 everywhere you look it seems like you only can find the singled out for $15 or more for even some of the lousy games

I said it once before I'll say it again Super Nintendo games are too overpriced and the games are not worth more than $10 a peice.

General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 04, 2018, 01:55:15 am »
It is too hard to find reasonable prices on used cartridge only Super Nintendo games today.

SNES Games are not worth more then $10 a piece   without a box   yet most of the library cost $15 and more for a single cartridge for just the cartridge games alone. no matter what condition the game is in >:(

I want SNES cartridge only games to go way down in price.

The NES is an easy system to collect for than the Super Nintendo

PlayStation 3 super slim's are an underrated and great console

Sports games are fun

Most turn based strategy RPG's are overrated in my opinion especially the turn based other then the Pokemon games

But all my frustration goes to the overpricing on just about every single Super Nintendo game alone both online and offline prices :(

General / Re: Complete Collections For Certain Series
« on: April 02, 2018, 11:26:29 am »
Me? I have the entire every golf game made by EA Sports from the first till Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2013 but nothing beyond that point of the series. Not only on PS2, but PS1, Sega Genesis and PlayStation 3 also.

I also have the Halo Series but I don't have the needed patch for the second and first game on OG Xbox

I picked up the golf games vary cheap since obviously not too many players even play golf in which reminds me to play Golf today.

Great thread :)

Preach on friends!  You don't have to have an electronics degree to make a HUGE difference in keeping the old hardware alive.  I started with no knowledge and have had moderate success returning things to proper order (as seen on my low budget blog).  There are many threads on here about how its likely many units of all shapes and colors will vanish in our lifetime because so many just get thrown away.  There are many excellent youtube channels out there.  This is a good one that you can learn some good techniques about disassembly and the usually more difficult re-assembly.  Check out The Sega Holic, ]] RetroRepairs, and lukemorse1.

Right we can't stop people from throwing them out but we can try to give advice to try to help the individuals with minor console issues and probably save them some money. But I take mine to an expert because all I know is how to take a console apart and I have a lot of trouble putting them back together that I broke a PS2 once

Hardware and Tech / Re: Need help with fixing OG Xbox
« on: April 01, 2018, 10:06:05 pm »
I think you will need another OG Xbox console or a Working Xbox 360 or maybe even an Xbox One. given at this point in time. :(

OG Xboxes I heard are like $20 for the console but I could be wrong as we all know how things change when someone mentions a cheap price on Youtube.

but I do know on most PC DVD and CD ROM drives under the tray has a tiny hole with manual switch that you can stick a needle into to manually open the disc tray up

 while the console or PC is off only

Classic Video Games / Your Opinions Of The Spyro Series
« on: March 30, 2018, 05:25:46 pm »
It's one of those SONY exclusive Series that can be vary frustrating at times. My opinion of the Spyro series has one major flaw. You have a life system in place and it it vary easy to die, and have to start over from the vary beginning of the entire game. (edit) without a memory card save file

I am just starting to play Enter The Dragonfly and I do like it

Hardware and Tech / Re: Need help with fixing OG Xbox
« on: March 29, 2018, 01:02:13 am »
Found my brother's old Xbox under some things in his closet. I decided to open it up and fix it. While trying to boot it up, I keep getting an error code [7]. Looking this up online, it seems to be fixable by trying to firmly reconnect the ide ribbon cable on the board and the hdd. But for the life of me I still can't get it to work.
Is there a way to tell if either the cable or the hdd still work? Or am I just missing something? Also is the board being slightly mildewy very harmful to the console? Its kinda hard to clean it out from between all the parts. Thanks.

Oh and my bro also said something about the disc tray not opening when the eject button was pressed, which is why he dumped or in his closet in the first place. Thoughts?

Mildew I think will ruin the console's guts. Because it contains moisture, and it may or may not contain corrosion on the electronic guts, if it is somewhat rusted on the inside. I would not trust turning on this console. I wounder if you found it inside a basement closet on the basement floor. you can try to air it out but I don't like the fact that it even smells like mildew because that is never a good sign.

Mildew could mean that water made it on the inside of the console and we all should know that water and electricity don't usually mix vary well as far a safety goes. I doubt it will work. but you may be able to give away of some of the parts of the console.

Sometimes a console will overheat or stop working because it needs nothing more then to be cleaned thoroughly. Sometimes on you get a used console caked in dust and nicotine like one of my PlayStation 3's arrived on my doorstep. My consoles are not vary clean but at least they work for the moment

Did you know that cleaning a console does wonders? I had one of my PS2 phat models cleaned before because it used to freeze during gameplay. After it was cleaned it actually worked just fine

I dread the day where I need to clean my CD based consoles because I am not good at putting the console back together once I take it apart. Cartridge consoles I think are much easier to clean in my opinion

What are your thoughts on this? have you thrown out or sold a dirty console? I have sold one before but I don't like to talk about it

If your console stopped working would you get another or would you check if it needs to be professionally cleaned?

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