I could start an entire new thread on this topic: Assholes. Nobody seems to give a crap anymore about meeting their obligations. They won't even give you a lousy phone call to tell you one way or the other.
So true!
I honestly don't know what has happened to the world. Everywhere I go, there seems to be more & more self-absorbed a-holes who have no manners, courtesy or inkling of what it means to be a good person. They cut you off on the road. They spend every waking moment with their heads buried in their stupid ass cellphone, acting like their little world is the most important thing and everyone else can kiss their ass. For example, standing in line and yacking on the phone instead of ordering their friggin' food. What is so important that you can't shut your yap for five seconds to order your #4 combo? Are you a heart surgeon? A rocket scientist? The President? No...you are some lame-ass who thinks your shit doesn't stink and you have zero concept of how to be a decent human being to another person.
Then you see the stories about people driving into the ocean because their GPS said to, or getting lost out in the desert and their corpses being found weeks later after a big manhunt because they are so inept, they can't say to themselves "Well, the GPS says turn here, but there is no road and that water looks kinda deep and goes on for a long, long way."
I guess I'm just from a different era when
nobody had a phone stuck to their hand. When your plate of food wasn't "newsworthy" that instead of friggin' eating it, you have to post a picture of it first along with some hashtag BS and with different filters to make sure you have the lighting right. And what the hell is a hashtag anyway??? We always called it a "number sign" or "pound sign."
When I see people in a restaurant talking on their phones instead of paying attention to the people around them, I have to really fight the urge to take the phone from their hand and manual insert it into their rectums.