Out of curiosity, though...how did Gamefly fuck things up?
It's hard to explain if you haven't been a part of the site for some time.
The admins kept promising the users that yes, there would be an update coming, and yes, there would be a new layout coming. They kept them waiting for a few years. Then the GameFly buyout happened, behind everyone's backs. I was the one that noticed the site had been bought out because I saw the GameFly at the bottom of every page. They assured us that the GameFly buyout would help the site improve.
It didn't for three years.
The new layout was in betatesting, and nobody liked it. Bugs were pointed out. Nothing got fixed. The admins started saying stuff about being patient but as we kept probing for answers we realized that they don't even have control over the site anymore. GameFly does. They're the ones calling the shots.
So all their valuable contributors and approvers left. Nothing we do or say is changing anything, so the site is a lost cause as far as everyone there was concerned. Everyone except the admins and owners. GameFly's still getting their advertising money no matter what happens.
Not a single news site reported on the change. I sent tips to a few. Nobody cared.
... anyway the queue's cleared up but a new user flooded the European databases with a ton of dupes x_x