Notes: Walmart pick up, and 2nd copy I got. Due to wanting this collection of underrated Classics in a mint sealed condition. Oddly enough! Cost less than my 1st Pre-owned copy.
Notes: Over the years I learned to appreciate this childhood purchase. Given Capcom Fighting Evolution walked, so SaltyBet can run hilarious AI Fight money matches on the MUGEN engine.
Notes: Shame the classic English dub isn't included, but still had to get it. GameStop pre-order alongside DBFZ(PS5) and Tevi(NSW/PS5). Arrived 5/24/2024
Notes: Always wanted to play these GBA releases as a kid, and even tho I'd like to own their original carts. This was the more affordable route/w a genuinely neat Shadow box. Arrived May 01 2024
Notes: This was a must own for me! Not just as a big Castlevania fan who adores the IP, but I genuinely enjoyed playing for the 1st time these classics a year before LRG put this up for preorder!
Notes: A bit underwhelming given the price, but I'm a big enough Castlevania fan to get this neat SoTN physical re-release. Preordered on January 14 2022 from LRG's store and arrived on May 27 2023.
Notes: Grew up watching G4Tv Xplay reviews of this! Finally picked up Soma's game @ my local GIC along/w Portrait of Ruin(DS), Bujingai(PS2), Onimusha 2(PS2), and Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance(PS2)
Notes: The Belmont, Vampire Killer, and Dracula origin entry I wish got expanded on more. The Leon Hatake screaming "I'll kill you AND! the Night" at Walter Senju scene is quite iconic.
Notes: Definitely a must have Castlevania game! I enjoyed its classic GoW elements, and Gabriel & Zobek's parallel relationship to Dracula & Death. Forgotten One DLC on Paladin is still my proudest 100%
Notes: Quite gory, but in a Mortal Kombat cool action fun way. The Alucard twist was well done, cus I never saw it coming. Despite how in your face it was! Quite a polarizing Castlevania game, but I enjoyed
Notes: Glad I got this at GameStop when I was a kid, cus this is just absurd to find CIB under $30. The game can be a pain sometimes, but it has a solid story behind it. Beautiful sprites too!
Notes: Another grail for me, cus I've always wanted a CIB copy of this! Picked it up @ my local GIC along/w Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow(DS), Bujingai(PS2), Onimusha 2(PS2), Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance(PS2)
Notes: Own 2 copies of this from GameStop each for $3, cus I broke my 1st/w toothpaste trying to resurface lol This was 2000s kid me, and internet was nowhere as big a convenience as you see today.
Notes: Legit only bought this for the Noire mini figure on eBay, and it almost cost the same to what Idea Factory was charging for the stand alone figure release.
Notes: I own this digitally already, but had to get a physical. Given how much of a neat AnimeSouls like game this overlooked gem is, but got hard to find for a while. Till my local GameStop got one in stock
Notes: Online order alongside DDLC Premium(PS4), Omori(NSW), and Star Ocean The Divine Force(PS4). Honestly I don't advice anyone buy Boxed or Disc based games from Best Buy due to their terrible handling.
Notes: Gamestop Exclusive Cotton Fantasy and Cotton Reboot RE Bundle which got shadow dropped back in November 2023 alongside Darius & Wonder Boy iterations.