Notes: Given I already got a Switch standard copy from 2023. I went with PS5 this time around, cus apparently the Switch sold out quick anyway! Given people prioritize a Cart based complete build I guess.
Notes: This was sincerely a must have Limited Edition for me back then. Not just as a BlazBlue fan, but as a now XBlaze fan who was soo hyped about seeing Pudding enjoyer ES come back as a playable character
Notes: Bought for $10 from Aksys Games' May 2019 Golden Week Sale along/w VLR(Vita), XBlaze LM(PS3), an AA Chiller, and BlazBlue & Guilty Gear Anime Ascension shirts.
Notes: 1 of the 1st PS3 games I bought. I was such a massive Bleach fan growing up, and during this time the Anime was getting discontinued in 2012. This is also my 1st Platinum!
Notes: A must for any Castlevania fan, but the patch history for this 1 is quite odd. Curse of the Moon has also oddly overshadowed this entry who had a whole Kickstarter dedicated to its birth.
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. TBH I legit thought it was the 1st entry, cus I couldn't remember the covers. Along with Gamestop's sticker covering the II(2). I don't mind tho, cus it's a neat Link2tP.
Notes: Been eyeing this copy for a while, and decided to pick it up during a visit to my local Best Buy. Just checking up on the store once Physical Media support got dropped on April 6, 2024!
Notes: Really wish I kept my original copy of this Gackt gem. Picked it up @ my local GIC along/w Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow(DS), Portrait of Ruin(DS), Onimusha 2(PS2), and MK Deadly Alliance(PS2)
Notes: Best Buy discounted this to $32.99. I ordered along/w Archetype Arcadia(NSW) & Fight'N Rage(PS5). Shipped together/w Archetype, and arrived on 8/14/24