Notes: I don't come across this game much these days, so I had to get it pre-owned($19) at my Gamestop. Along/w Trials of Mana(PS4), SMTV Vengeance(PS5), and Hyrule Warriors(NSW)
Notes: I noticed people trying to spike aftermarket over the Polaroid, so I finally decided to pick up my local Gamestop's $27.99 copy I've almost got various times. It came with the Polaroid, so that's neat
Notes: Gamestop in-store pick up. Had to buy a 2nd copy, and pre-owned. Despite this! Beats the previous condition I've got already, and I don't wanna risk them shipping another mess.
Notes: 1 of Suda51's finest works, so I had to get it! Sadly Gamestop sent me a Deluxe edition I would grade below pre-owned. Not just a cart bad, but the contents were just chewed out by an employee?
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. Despite it being pre-owned condition/w the GS label. A holy grail of mine, cus I've always loved this IP since 2012(back when its biggest exposure was Zone Sama).
Notes: BestBuy in-store pick up bought alongside Legend of Nayuta(PS4), Eternights, and Evangelion: 3.0+1.11! I'm a Nepgear fan, so I mainly got it over its Game Gear support+ for $25!?
Notes: Saw Hidden FOMOtubers trying to instigate value chasers again, and I've known my local Walmart had 2 copies for a while. So I felt it was best to not risk waiting on a sale, and just get it already!
Notes: Charming Megaman inspired title I've seen none talk about at all! Given how neat its cute sprites, customization, soundtrack, and homages to Classic, X, Zero, and Legends. It's honestly a must have!
Notes: My 1st ever Nintendo Switch game purchase, and it was mainly for me being a massive Neptunia fan. I believe this was also the 1st Neptunia title on Nintendo platform, so I did it for Blanc lol
Notes: Been eyeing this at my local Target for a few months, and got it for $13.49 during this whole February 2025 clearance craze. Where every unethical scalper is currently raiding the country's Targets.
Notes: As a fan of Rabi-Ribi who still regrets missing out on its physical release. Tevi was a must have! I pre-ordered this and a PS5 copy on May 20 for "free" Gamestop shipment, and it arrived June 3.
Notes: I always see this decent and cheap pre-owned condition copy at my local Gamestop. People compare this to Resident Evil a lot, so I picked it up(especially after seeing the sequel get announce.
Notes: My 1st Tomoya Asano game bought(at Walmart). Quite an overlooked gem compared to his previous aesthetically pleasing projects. Like Brave Default, Octopath Traveler, and Live A Live.
Notes: Probably any Visual Novel enthusiasts' most hyped up 2024 localization. So I had to pre-order both Switch & PS4 LEs. Got both from Gamestop and arrived on June 29.
Notes: They had 3 in stock at my local Best-Buy, so I picked 1 up before it gets scalped. Lots of neat extras, and a solid homage to A Link to the Past.