Finished the 5th chapter & snagged the $9,999,999 trophies in HDN: Noire -
the "funny" thing is that...
I have not yet begun to grind',
anywhere even close to the 'serious' & *real* grinding (*Looks at girls, kissing other girls on the cheeks*)
betwwen where I'm at and the plat!

I've gotta say, though:
I Am *SO* Loving My Vita Tv 
It's such a joy (for me) to be playing it on the tv & with a DS3; just like I played my other HDN game!
I strongly recommend that, for those others who primarily play J/S/RPGs on their Vitas, to give one a try

I really don't have any good reason and/or need for a 'regular'' Vita anymore!!