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Messages - oldgamerz

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I would like to write to my sig when I started to love (THE REAL) Spaghetti Monster but I'm too lazy.

I take it you don't like my signature or this thread so I'll leave it at that. I don't force religion on anybody but I do encourage it elsewhere in a different place

sorry for the vent yesterday, but I am sore that EA didn't make any more copies, the only way is to download a pirate copy. This all in one game I kid you not is  rare in fact the whole series is even out of stock everywhere not sure about ebay but I know I don't use ebay and amazon has been out of stock of this game all year long.

I used to attend another video game collectors forum. And all members who had a chosen a public collection banner in the forum. It showed their join date automatically 

I have wondered for a while does anyone reading this want to put their VGcollect join date into their signature like me? or maybe not? Has anyone ever wounder how long they been a member to this forum You can find this out by in case you don't already know

(edit) this thread is just a gimmick to carry on the conversation on VGcollect and it is not to personalize anyone or steal information because you can't its only a thread. Made to if not to follow but for all us members to discover and maybe remember things of the past. like when you first joined I'll admit I am not really a senior member in retro respective ::)

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Off Topic / Re: What are the best dividend stocks on the US market?
« on: August 26, 2018, 10:43:46 am »
I’m buying to hold forever with the goal of amassing enough dividend yield to cover my expenses thus creating financial freedom.

My bills aren’t very expensive so it’s actually a very realistic goal.

I want safe dividend investments.

If you want bad luck in life and only bad luck then I suggest you keep trying to step on the little people, why did you come here really? if you know everything why do you need us? can't you post anything besides a question mark on your original posts, pretty soon none will respond.

The Sims 1 complete collection and any of it's original game expansion packs for PC everyone is keeping this game to their own private  collections and not getting rid of it. >:(

 plus Steam or GOG still are not selling it. in fact it is vary rare to find The Sims 1 Complete Collection Disc full set.

The ONLY way to have this game is to download a pirated copy that is not even the whole damn game.

My copy was ruined by burn hackers where some hackers got a hold of my PC and corrupted my only CD copies years ago. (giving me an error on ever installing it again on any PC)
 The Sims 1 Complete Collection is virtually impossible to buy today too >:(

I am pissed vary pissed off about this what I wrote

I dare anyone to even try amazon. It is so rare today that none has it for sale both physically  or digitally

you may find a pirated copy of the sims 2 complete collection but it's a risk

You're a member of Console Purists on Facebook, aren't you? Someone posted this exactly subject today. And I'm gonna give the same response here I did there:

Jack Black from Brutal Legend

That game is both bad ass, and hilarious; especially for a metal-head like me.

No, It may just be a coincidence

I actually love the first 3 Duke Nukem video games. everything from Duke facial movements in later games like "Manhattan Project" to his famous one liners I think  he is actually funny in many places. He always looks angry my friend and I used to laugh as Duke kicked down a door in a cut scene in MP

 I also find Duke Nukem a funny video game character overall of what games I've played. However in Duke Nukem 3D. Duke does wear armor but the first 3 games the game never acknowledges it or shows it in duke nukem 3D or the other 2 platformers. and when he is out of ammo his shoves his size 13 boot up enemies ass. oh and when you play Duke Nukem Zero Hour for Nintendo 64 and Duke gets his foot caught in a bear trap he laughs and says barely a scratch and keeps walking as if nothing even happened. However he can pick up and use, and it shows real armor in Duke Nukem Zero Hour for the Nintendo 64

All photos could be copyrighted so I don't think I can post them here


I remember a topic awhile back where he responded to a question stating something along the lines of being disinterested in collecting or playing video games anymore. I'm not sure what's the point of hanging around a video game forum if you aren't interested in the very thing said forum is about.

I may have said that in another thread to back this up. I still play video games but not as much as most of you guys I watch a lot of tv and listen to even more music than anyone else in the world probally

Seether posted about only finding sports games in a recent post, SO I wondered
If you were new into collecting and all you found were RPG's? or one only one genre at where you were looking would you be unhappy.

I probably would not be unhappy as long as if I didn't own all the games already

What's wrong with sports titles?

I like sports video games but a lot of people apparently don't, Seether is not the only buyer complaining

I honest don't know why so many don't buy or enjoy sports games. Everyone/most buys RPG's it seems

Geography is a big part of it.  Sports titles have ALWAYS dominated the bargain bins.  Now that I live far from major cities I am more dependent of ebay and letgo than ever.  I personally feel that if you're searching game "lots" on ebay you'll find more sports titles in the lot than anything.  I forget the name of it but there's a fellow on youtube who went on a quest to acquire a complete NES collection in an extremely short amount of time and one of the things he did was get hundreds of games out of the way by offering mom and pop shops a buck a piece for NES sports titles.  Needless to say the mom and pops were ecstatic to see that merchandise finally move!

shadowzero has what I would say

1: it has to be your location or you might not be looking in the right places

2: because there really is a TON of sports games that were made and still being made, to this day. and everyone thinks they are all the same

but really from my experience mostly all sports games play differently.

There are a ton of sports games but playing them is a lot better than lets say twiddling your thumbs day in and day out. or having no video games at all to play

Some games I would be embarrassed to play  them because some games can be built toward at a extremely young crowd or have an Adults Only Rating game that showcases some kind of porn or excessive gore and violence in fact I think that I prefer E for everyone, and T for teen, and M for 17 and older. or maybe unrated when possible.

I don't own or plan to own any AO or also known as the highest maturity rated games in the USA and Canada. Because they don't interest me.

So? one question I can ask that is not covered on here is. What is your opinion about AO rated video games or video games that contain obscure porn or sexual content? or video games aimed at an extremely young audience.

ESRB is only an example of a popular video game rating company. There are other rating companies in foreign countries like Japan and European

I can see why some people who have vary young children play some video games with their children.

this was a previous discussion similar that search didn't find me until after,8190.msg136496.html#msg136496

I am also a person who is embarrassed to watch or play most anything Halloween or horror related except maybe when I play the older doom games for me it depends on the game

I used to know a guy who to this day. wins all his live concert tickets  for free by calling in at the right time at a few local radio stations. I  personally am not interested in seeing any bands in person or live. But

Yea you fellas should listen to the radio more often and you may even win concert tickets by calling and calling a radio station over and over, this guy I knew does this all the time and he wins a lot of free tickets this way in our local area but in a way he has to earn them by repeat calling a radio station to get on air and he is successful most of the time :)

when and if the DJ says caller 109 or whatever wins the tickets for free it's usually true  :)

I am talking about the FM stations not satellite or online

General / What Console Haven't You Used In A Long While Or Never?
« on: August 13, 2018, 07:27:45 pm »
My console that I never used so far is my Wii and I've had it less than a year. Is there a console that you haven't used in a long time? Name A console you never ran before or haven't ran in a long long time. and my Sega Genesis and my NES haven't been played in a long while either maybe all year. This is may be a too common thread but I'll let you judge.

What do you guys think of comic books? the same? Speaking of He man I think that was a vary popular comic book series as well. But  I am just reaching 30 years old this year so I don't remember many 1980's cartoons.  In fact I mostly watched Nickelodeon and Disney channel cartoons. of the 1990's and other cartoons like the classic but I am not sure what channel they used to be on like Loony Toons, and Popeye

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