Notes: I was soo hyped to finally experience a localized KH final mix. Given I always wanted to face Xemnas' secret boss and Marluxia makes a HD return! Discovered Bruce Blitz during my 2013 Platinums run.
Notes: Random visit to my local GameStop, and I saw it there for like $34! Out of all the 3DS Kirby games this 1 in particular always caught my interest. Given it reminds me of Megaman X's Ride Armor.
Notes: Gamestop online purchase, and honestly felt punished for buying a "New" copy. Given they sent it with that insufferable opening tape. Need a replacement case ASAP!
Notes: My free game during GameStop's February 2025 "Buy 2 get 1 Free on pre-owned PS4 & Xbox One" deal. Bundled/w Devil May Cry HD Collection & Pirate Warriors 3. Each priced at $18.99/w Pro.
Notes: No English subs! However had to get it as someone who not just adores Sakuya, but as someone who 1st got their Touhou exposure in 2011 through Koumajou Densetsu.
Notes: The fan made game that way back in 2011 made me a Touhou fan, and honestly was 1 of the 1st SoTN homage titles out there. So obviously years later when it gets a physical LE. It was a must have for me
Notes: GameStop Pre-order alongside Yars Rising(NSW/PS5), Selfloss(NSW), Ace Attorney Investigations Collection(NSW), and Ugly(NSW). Went with PS5 ver. over how it performs better than Switch.
Notes: Bought it together with Cold Steel 3(Switch), and from the same vender. BTW both are sealed, cus I already own these games digital. Just got them as a collector who's liked Trails since 2015.
Notes: Didn't know the Switch version had the superior build, but decided to keep my NISA pre-order. Given the Limited Edition overall was Sold Out. I'm planning to buy the Switch standard regardless tho.
Notes: Gamestop pre-order shipped in silly glued 2 piece carboard/w a sloppy residue work. I'm just glad it didn't come crushed or bent, but yeah! A little disappointed in GS' talent to screw up.