Notes: Seen this available on VGP for a few years, and had to jump on it along with Trails of Cold Steel 4(Switch) when NISA announced delisting God Wars.
Notes: Always wanted this game growing up. Randomly bought it along/w a sealed NSW copy of Mega Man Legacy Collection bundle and Psyvariar Delta(NSW) each for $30 at GIC.
Notes: Was originally my Gamestop online bundled Pre-order/w Moonscars, RayStorm/Crisis, and Rain Code LE. A few last min delayed releases got it shipped separately, but came mint!
Notes: GameStop order alongside Slitterhead(PS5) Day One Edition & DreadOut 2(NSW). Sadly GameStop also gutted this along with my DreadOut copy, then shipped both as "NEW" copies.
Notes: Gamestop preorder alongside Dave the Diver: Anniversary Edition for Switch. Both arrived on July 1 2024. Any Megaman X or Zero fan needs this period. Stupidly underrated!
Notes: Gamestop in-store "Buy 2 Get 1" pick up Sale after Christmas. This was my "free" game alongside Death Mark 2(NSW) & The Sly Collection(PS3). Seen Kat on PSABR and her passionate fans made me get it.
Notes: Sadly it's missing the manual insert, but for $18 I'm just happy to own physically this Omito era entry! GameStop in-store pick up alongside Shadow of the Colossus(PS4), MGS5(PS4), and FFXV
Notes: My 1st preOrdered Guilty Gear game, and I swear I remember we were getting a Dpad. Found out it was defective AF tho! So I'm fine getting a Codex & "FREE" Buckle keychain.
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. Game's mostly for those nostalgic hardcore Gungrave fans who played the early "clunky but wild" 2000s PS2 era entries. Despite a lack of budget! Studio IGGYMOB did great!
Notes: Glad I got it when I did, cus a few days later Value Chasers just snatched them all over night. Despite 7 being there for a month prior! Gotta love "Hidden Gem" Tubers/w artificial FOMO tendencies.
Notes: Last copy my local Best Buy had while I picked up a discounted Super Mario RPG I've been waiting to get. I'm also glad it's the Yellow screenshot complete DLC variant.