Notes: Best Buy online order/w Demon's Souls(PS5), Persona 5 Strikers(NSW), and Tokyo Xanadu eX+. Arrived(8/2/24) separately but the disc wasn't loose for once! An insane collection/w DLC for $20!
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up, and a very underrated game. Given how frequent I see copies at Best Buy & Walmart. It's honestly 1 of the more intricate Switch titles out there.
Notes: The license plate was MOE! Honestly 1 of XSeed's neater releases I feel is worth getting for any NMH fan. Even if you purchased the previous Switch copy already. Hell! it's $20 less now on average.
Notes: Honestly the only thing I would recommend people purchase online from Best Buy is Switch games, due to how tight their Carts are placed along with the Case itself being durable for shipping Bubblers.
Notes: I swear the case when I opened the bubbler mail looked like it was ran over with a Tractor. Disc worked surprisingly, but I'm probably gonna get a Switch copy 1 day.
Notes: It's weird! But you used to not see as much One Piece games back then, cus it wasn't as revered as DBZ or Naruto. Now times have changed oddly enough.
Notes: My 1st physical PW! During GameStop's February 2025 "Buy 2 get 1 Free on pre-owned PS4 & Xbox One" deal. Bundled/w Devil May Cry HD Collection & Knight Witch. Each priced at $18.99/w Pro.
Notes: Been wanting this 1 for a few years! Finally got it during VideoGamesPlus' August LRG sale. Where I bundled it with a re-stocked ANNO: Mutationem for Free shipping.
Notes: Not my favorite entry, but wanted to condition upgrade. Picked it up @ my local GIC along/w Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow(DS), Portrait of Ruin(DS), Bujingai(PS2), and MK Deadly Alliance(PS2)
Notes: A weird entry, but it grows on you over time. Given you could tell this was trying to capitalize on the West craving Japanese culture. Even tho people were more into Kung Fu back then.