Notes: Bought along side Gods Eater Burst and a sealed Mega Man Legacy Collection(NSW) at my local Retro store for $30. I've heard about this game a few times, and it was why not!
Notes: Last copy at my local Walmart and was on sale for $30. It's kinda just been sitting there for a few months, and that's crazy given how obviously good this game was!
Notes: Sadly came a bit bent at the top after being shipped separate in a bubbler mailer. Which was originally my Gamestop online Bundle Pre-order/w Moonscars, Goodbye World, and Rain Code LE. All originally
Notes: I honestly got it for the loose disc's cover if I'm being honest. Plus it was $3 at GameStop. However as a Tenchu fan into the whole Ninja stealth craze. I enjoyed its charms!
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. Bought with Code Vein, Bayonetta & Vanquish bundle, and Samurai Shodown. Along with Switch copies of Signalis & SNK Heroines
Notes: Bought because of how much I adored the PS2 Sakura Wars characters in Project X Zone. And how the PS2 copy is out of reach for me. I settled for this instead, and it still captures a solid dating sim.
Notes: Grew up as a big Samurai Jack fan, and was even there during all 6 season premiers down to its conclusion. I had to own this, and it's my 1st LRG purchase.
Notes: I've always known about Samurai Shodown here and there from MUGEN, FGC events, SNK collabs, and its social media illustrations/cosplays. However never played or owned a game...till now!