The last game I finished was a couple of weeks ago. Demon's Souls, jeez that game is so god tier. There's a boss in that game that !!!! SPOILER ALERT !!!!! literally kills herself because you killed her guard, her soulmate[/spoiler] so many feels were had. This game never really had that much love, especially compared to Dark Souls, which everyone and their mother is talking about because it's "really hard, bro!!!". It also got a lot more love because it was released on 360/PS3/PC, while Demon's Souls is a PS3 exclusive. I honestly think Demon's Souls was the better game, it goes for an overworld system rather than being open world like DaS is. There are a LOT more beginner's traps in Dark Souls, which can be very annoying, which may cause people to blame it for having "artificial difficulty". For those who are not aware of the Souls series, It is essentially a JRPG in a western setting that truly challenges the gamer, unlike newer games this generation who hold the players hand throughout the game.
I didn't mean for a review of the game, just wanted to share some info about it.