Notes: Bundled/w Best Buy online order alongside Coffee Talk(PS5), Omori(NSW), and DDLC(PS4). Got it Nov. 2 while everything else arrived Oct. 31. Cost me $27.99
Notes: Saw Hidden FOMOtubers trying to instigate value chasers again, and I've known my local Walmart had 2 copies for a while. So I felt it was best to not risk waiting on a sale, and just get it already!
Notes: Charming Megaman inspired title I've seen none talk about at all! Given how neat its cute sprites, customization, soundtrack, and homages to Classic, X, Zero, and Legends. It's honestly a must have!
Notes: My 1st ever Nintendo Switch game purchase, and it was mainly for me being a massive Neptunia fan. I believe this was also the 1st Neptunia title on Nintendo platform, so I did it for Blanc lol
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. It was a bit of a curiosity purchase, cus I was surprised they had a lot in stock. Just asked if they had 1 in stock, so I followed through.
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. It was gonna be $17.50, but I used my monthly discounts to bring it down to $7.50 with helping from the nice employee. Owning this warms my Kingdom's Heart.