Notes: Bundled/w Best Buy online order alongside Coffee Talk(PS5), Omori(NSW), and DDLC(PS4). Got it Nov. 2 while everything else arrived Oct. 31. Cost me $27.99
Notes: Saw Hidden FOMOtubers trying to instigate value chasers again, and I've known my local Walmart had 2 copies for a while. So I felt it was best to not risk waiting on a sale, and just get it already!
Notes: Been wanting this for a while during various sales, but never went below $30. Ironically picked mine up for $20 @ my local Walmart when I visited. During PSN's maintenance(on Lantern Rite's last day)
Notes: In-store Best Buy 2024 Black Friday sale pick up alongside Tekken 8, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, and MGS Master Collection all on PS5. Been wanting this since launch, but waited on a sale.
Notes: Charming Megaman inspired title I've seen none talk about at all! Given how neat its cute sprites, customization, soundtrack, and homages to Classic, X, Zero, and Legends. It's honestly a must have!
Notes: My 1st ever Nintendo Switch game purchase, and it was mainly for me being a massive Neptunia fan. I believe this was also the 1st Neptunia title on Nintendo platform, so I did it for Blanc lol
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. It was a bit of a curiosity purchase, cus I was surprised they had a few in stock. Just asked if they had 1 in stock, so I followed through.