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Messages - ignition365

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General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 03, 2024, 10:36:50 pm »
Finally caught up and wrote out stuff about all the games I've played so far this year... now time to fall behind again lol

In short, it's a consistency error on GameFAQ's behalf.[/font]
which is another reason why its dumb that we use gamefaqs as gospel because this inconsistency makes this site look as disorganized and incompetent as they are.

My edit was rejected so someone else can fix it Gamefaqs lists the game as what is listed as the alt name, so the title is wrong.  Gamefaqs is also inconsistent for this franchise as one entry uses a hyphen and the other uses a colon.

Here is the other entry with the correct name

I'll voice that I'd go with 6 at the moment.

My only concern with the current state of the examples is that Xbox controller is branded primarily as a Series X controller.  My concern being that oldest/newest might not be best as opposed to what the primary intent is.  I would need to find a good example of something like the above xbox/ps examples but where the primary intent is an older platform that works on the newer platform.  Like I think DS4 controllers now say they work on ps5 (only for ps4 games) but that doesnt mean it should go under ps5. The mickey controller could be a good example in that it is primarily branded for wii (and should be under wii) despite it saying also works on wii u.  Its not a wii u controller, they are just clarifying for customers that it will work on both.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Consolidation of PSN PS3
« on: June 21, 2024, 06:38:11 pm »
but the fact that some work on PS3 and PS Vita whereas no PSP games are playable on PS3, it irks me a little.

I never had a PSP but I do have PSP games installed on my PS3 somehow, I guess from the "buy one get them all" thing you mentioned before.
it's possible.  From my recollection actual PSP executables can be stored but not installed on PS3, so maybe cross buy, but I dont recall crossbuy existing prior to Vita, but I wouldnt be surprised.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Consolidation of PSN PS3
« on: June 20, 2024, 08:13:29 pm »
PS2 Classics are PS3 only, the PS4/PS5 versions of PS2 classics are separate products, even from themselves, all 3 have their own distinct product listings if I recall correctly.  I have no point of reference regarding PS2 Classics netting you PS4/PS5 versions.  (I can confirm that I own Twisted Metal: Black as a PS2 Classic and I do not own the PS4 version and cannot obtain it for free)

PSOne Classics are PS3, PSP, and PSVita, 1 purchase, 1 product listing.  Owning PSOne classics that are now available on PS4/PS5 generally allows you to purchase the PS4/PS5 version for free, but you do still have to make a purchase (source: Me "rebuying" Wild Arms 1 + 2 on PS4 and PS5.)

I'm not terribly familiar with PS Minis as I thought they were Vita only.

Referring to some content on PSN, the PSP, PS3, and PS Vita versions were separate products, but they leveraged "cross-buy" which meant by buying one, you owned all.  In this situation the user should reasonably add all 3 (PSP, PS Vita, and PS3) to their collection.  Some of these games even had separate trophy lists, but I think that was usually ones without cross-saves.  In the cases of PS2 Classics, PSOne Classics, and PS Minis, Sony treated these as separate product types from PSP, PS Vita, and PS3 games.

Personally, I'm fine with PS2 Classics going into PSN PS3 because they were only playable on PS3.  PSOne classics is complicated because it's not PS3, PSP, nor PS Vita, and they aren't treated differently per platform, but again, owning them doesn't necessarily get you the PS4/PS5 versions, but my sole experience is with Wild Arms.  As for PS Mini, I'm not opposed to putting them under PSN PSP, but the fact that some work on PS3 and PS Vita whereas no PSP games are playable on PS3, it irks me a little.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 20, 2024, 11:11:32 pm »
Spent the last 3 hours writing up blurbs about the games I had played this year.  Managed to get up to like a week ago, hoping I can bother to churn out a few more blurbs tomorrow and catch up.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 20, 2024, 11:10:13 pm »
life is exhausting and generally sucks, but you know, that's life.

Man, I really hate to hear that. Anything I can help with?
Nope just been sick a lot and to be blunt my kid is a terror.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 16, 2024, 11:28:00 pm »
life is exhausting and generally sucks, but you know, that's life.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 12, 2024, 05:31:54 pm »
Yeah, I don't even buy like a single game per month anymore.  I don't even recall the last time I actually made a retro purchase, games I buy these days are modern or steam.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: April 02, 2024, 10:36:21 am »
Main List
Previous List

Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.

50. Arietta of Spirits (PC)
Another backlog group game.  This game is Zelda-like but much smaller scale, less items to deal with, and a very child friendly story.  A lovely game to be able to play in front of my son because the story and everything is fine enough for him... that said, I don't think I played it in front of him for very long.  All in all, a really good zelda like game, I don't think the game really had any puzzles, so mostly just exploration and combat with some quick boss fights here and there.  Unfortunately the game has a difficulty based achievement that you can't even get on your first playthrough because you have to unlock the difficulty mode, so this isn't a game that I'll 100% complete, but did literally everything else.  Won't ever be a fan of difficulty based achievements.  Story is quite good, interesting characters and plot, though the ending was a bit of a letdown and vaguely hints at a sequel.
Rating: Soft recommendation

51. Beacon Pines (PC)
Another backlog group game.  Unfortunately these backlog groups are PC only so I'm really skipping out on my console gaming time... still sitting on FF7R2 for months.  Anyway, I thought for a fraction of a second about playing this in front of my kid, but just knew there was no way this game wasn't going to have inappropriate situations and language... and I wasn't wrong.  Not a fan of the art style... especially the furry vibes it gives, nothing personal, just not my bag art style wise.  Anyway that aside, the game is actually quite great, fantastic story telling, fantastic gameplay mechanics and play loop.  I'll just say that I have some major spoiler related issues with the ending.  I try to do spoiler free reviews and comments here and SMF here on VGC doesn't support spoiler statements so I can't even black out my spoilers easily... though I really do want to rant about this game.  Suffice it to say while the ending isn't awful, I was unhappy with the ending... I felt it could have resolved some things it chose not to resolve.  The game very much did give Night in the Woods vibes so I'm going to really try to get my wife to play through the game at some point so at least I have someone to talk to about this game's ending.
Rating: Soft recommendation

52. 100 Hidden snails 2 (PC)
Another Playtracker backlog dungeon roll.  Just another find the hidden animal game, really nothing to say about it, short game can be beat in 10 minutes, but still enjoyable.
Rating: Soft pass

53. Dave the Diver (PC)
Another backlog group game, the only game in the very long category.  What a wonderful game though, I don't want to say I slept on it or whatever, but I think I only added it to my wishlist because it seemed so popular and then a duder gifted it to me.  This game has so much great stuff going for it, but I feel like my feelings towards the gameplay loop of this game boils down to the same thoughts I have about Moonlighter.  You do the roguelike gameplay loop for supplies and then you go run your shop between runs.  Sure mechanics, goals, etc. are different, but it boils down to the same concept... which is actually enjoyable and refreshing.  The free Dredge and Godzilla content are also really good and worth grabbing and playing.  The game has tons of content and there are more things to do in the game than required so even once you beat it and 100% the achievements you could really keep going because there is just so much content in the game.
Rating: Solid recommendation

54. Loading Screen simulator (PC)
I think this was a backlog dungeon game, game seemed quick enough so I plowed through it... it's awful and definitely not worth the time.  It's a clicker game, but you can speed up everything by just tabbing and holding the enter key... thankfully.
Rating: Hard pass

55. Hell Pie (PC)
Another backlog group game.  3D platformer collectathon... but definitely not child friendly.  Really graphic for being cartoony and kind of vulgar and whatnot.  All in all though, a really solid collectathon game, my main complaint would be the pacing is kind of awful for some stuff.  You can easily get more skill points than you can use, especially if going for all of the achievements, so the game could've paced the skill tree or added more skills and one of the achievements required you to get so much more money than what would naturally come your way, so I wound up grinding for 2 hours after beating the game and doing everything... easily rectified by making some outfits cheaper so you don't need to grind an additional 20-30k monies.  Like I said though, the game play loop is pretty solid, though the art style, humor, and concepts don't really click well with me personally, but I'm not into gore and whatnot.
Rating: Soft recommendation

56. Shadow Warrior Classic Redux (PC)
Another backlog group game.  Originally this was supposed to be the reboot but I had it swapped because I really wanted to play through the original first.  Anyway, plays a ton like old Duke Nukem/Doom games, duh doy.  Glitchy at moments, annoying controls and whatnot.  Super fucking racist and such, but that's how the game was I guess?  Not sure it's a game worth playing, but honestly I kind of expect the reboot to be just as offensive.  Really seems like these types of devs almost go out of their way to be awful.  Can't think of specific examples, but the controversies crop up now and then.
Rating: Soft pass

57. Evoland (PC)
Man have I been interested in these games since they first came out but just never got around to playing them... well backlog group picked the collection for me so I played through both games.  This one is much shorter, presumably an extended game jam experience, still a good game, but real short at like 4 hours to 100% complete.  The concepts it explores is great and nothing sticks around too long because the game is so short.  Very much not a full experience, so I'm glad they bundled both in one collection.  I feel like the story was also non-existent in this one.  Definitely recommend giving this a go before Evoland 2, no direct connection or anything, just I feel like it really helps put you in the right headset for Evoland 2.
Rating: Soft recommendation

58. Evoland 2 (PC)
This one however, is a full fledged experience, fully fleshed out, tons of content to explore and really gives you a full game experience.  It does a lot of the same stuff from the first game, but better designed as best I can put it.  Definitely gives me Dragon Quest vibes, I don't know if for any good reason, but I'd definitely say it's a game to be enjoyed by fans of Dragon Quest/Chrono Trigger (I understand they are the same art style, but that's not what I'm getting at, just really enjoyable classic JRPG games)  Game had some frustrating moments and confusing paths and stuff, but all in all a really enjoyable experience well worth playing.
Rating: Solid recommendation

59. 100 Asian cats (PC)
Another backlog dungeon game, but not the same dev as the 100 hidden games, plays well enough, no real issues there, but definitely not the same quality as the 100 hidden games.
Rating: Hard pass

60. Looking for Aliens (PC)
Originally a game I won in a giveaway with the condition of playing the game and earning a few achievements, but then it matched criteria for a backlog group, so I decided I'd finish the game... plus I think I might have rolled it in backlog dungeon.  I couldn't be arsed to follow the story after a while and just skipped the level cutscenes.  Like a lot of these hidden object games, I have the problem that the idea is novel, but without a guide you're just going to spend so much time staring at the screen trying to figure out stuff that the experience becomes painful.  Smaller levels are great, but when you get into the real big levels it's just an exercise in futility.  Great game with great hiding places and such, but I know I relied on a guide for lots of stuff because it just got real bad with the real big levels.
Rating: Soft pass

61. Alpaca Stacka (PC)
This one fit a backlog group's criteria and I knew I couldn't use it for other backlog groups because it is so short, and I think it might be a profile limited game so can't get it in backlog dungeon either, so it worked out.  Real small game, maybe 10 minutes long, just run around a small island and collect... birds?... and bring them back to their mom.  Real quick and easy game, but it is free, so hard to complain.  It's novel to check out, but won't really enrich your life having played it... so I don't know... I guess I have to go with Soft pass on it despite it not being bad, it's free and short.
Rating: Soft pass

62. Arena Renovation (PC)
Another backlog dungeon game, I had started this game a while back... not sure if I had a reason other than to play a simulator game... game starts out slow and can be a bit painful, but once you get some of the upgrades unlocked you can just churn through the game relatively fast... that said some of the later stadiums are ridiculously huge.  Some of the tools don't work great... looking at you power washer tool, and some of the game's design seems to be for the purpose of making the game take longer which isn't cool... and then frustratingly stuff doesn't pay well enough at all and some of the achievements require too much grinding, so much so that I gave up and said it wasn't worth my time to aim for the 100%.  I might go back to it, especially if they patch it and make it less awful to get the last few, but for now, can't be bothered.
Rating: Soft pass

63. Emily is Away (PC)
Oh man, this game is kind of the reason I decided to pop on here to get back to writing up blurbs about my experiences.  I think I rolled this game in dungeon and played it, really short, maybe an hour or so, choices don't really seem to change anything and you always get a not great ending, but that's life sometimes right?  Anyway, the game made me think about my early 00s years of talking with friends on IM... I think specifically it made me think of two girls I used to talk to quite a bit in high school, coincidentally they both have the same name (not emily).  And anyway, I was in a situation where my Micro SD card in my phone was dying so I finally started transferring to a newer bigger card and realized I couldn't find some music I've been wanting so I dug out old hard drives and found my old HDD backups which had my trillian data on it which contains logs of like every conversation I ever had on IM from like 2005-2009... I should've had some logs from college too, but I know I swapped computers, reformatted drives, I might not have backed up stuff at some point... anyway, having already been thinking about this stuff I started reading through old logs from these girls, really putting me in a fucked up nostalgia mindset and stuff.  Obviously I had feelings for these two girls, but like I said put me in a weird spiral.  One girl was murdered by her husband when she decided to leave him, this was almost 10 years ago, devastating stuff, can't imagine what their kids went and go through on the daily because of that.  She was a dear friend and I always loved her.  The other girl, we had a conversation post high school about how we had a crush on each other in high school (this was probably 2010 or so because I don't have that log) but timing just didn't work out because she had a boyfriend in highschool (who dumped her at graduation because he wanted to play the field) and by the time this conversation happened I was in a long term relationship and we were going to different colleges in different cities, so like obviously nothing was going to come of that.  But I think that probably was around the time I stopped using Trillian and IM and just completely lost contact with her.  Did what I feel is the creepy thing, and tried to look her up, relatively common name, but I remembered what she was going to college for and just added that career field to the search, 1st result.  No social media or anything, but living life you know, it's good knowing a friend you lost contact with followed through with their plans and made their way through life.  It's a weird feeling yearning to reconnect and catch up, but like for no reason other than like nostalgia... which made me think about other friends from high school that I lost contact with and makes me want to reach out and see what's up and how things are, but like how do you start up those conversations without the awkwardness in general, but the potential for "Oh hey, let's hang out" or something.  I care, I do, but I am also aware of life and I certainly don't think I'd have time to meet with people and reconnect and can't imagine other people have the time either... makes me regret a little bit just not keeping up with people in general.  It's crazy how a game can make you feel... because fuck this game messed me up... presumably unintentionally.
Rating: soft pass

64. Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island (PC)
Decided to join another backlog activity thing, but this one dedicated solely to games released in humble bundles monthly/choice offerings.  Picked this one first because it was short and I've been interested.  It's such a dorky and wholesome game, super short at like an hour long, so again doesn't fit other groups, but works for this.  Honestly, I'm glad the console release is a collection of all of the games so far, because this one game is too short, but all 3 together makes for a more acceptable price point.  I almost wish I had played the game in front of my kid, though I doubt he would've cared.
Rating: soft recommendation.

65. Emily is Away Too (PC)
Okay now this is the game that really had me sit down and start writing.  This game hit me so hard, it's got so many different endings and your choices really do matter, but unlike the first game, there are actually good endings to be had and stuff.  That said this game hit me so fucking hard while I was already fucked up from my nostalgia driven spiral, thinking about shit that never was and could've been and whatnot.  I managed to play and get such a fucking satisfying ending, but just really fucked me up even more.  To kind of piggy back off the last one, nothing really doing about how I feel, I don't have much regrets, but knowing the stuff I know now, and even not knowing what I know now, looking back at logs, it was obvious these girls were interested in me, but my total lack of like internal self-esteem had me being like there's no way they are interested, so like just be a good friend, so it definitely puts me in the spiral of what could've been.  Really trying not to dwell but this game made it harder... and I still need to play the third game in the series.  It's nice to day dream, but it's like not productive.
Rating: soft recommendation, much better than the first game.

I'm not going to make edits because it'll just get rejected, but I'll inform folks so maybe Dhaabi can fix it.  All of the PS4 Accessory listings for the 20th anniversary controllers are incorrect in their description

"packaging text in English, French model #: CUH-ZCT1U embossed touchpad with 2, O, X, square, triangle symbols available as a part of the Sony PlayStation 4 20th Anniversary Edition boxed release or as a standalone retail release" 

Console release of the controller has the iconography on the touchpad, all standalone retail releases do not have the iconography on the touchpad.  They are different controllers.

Microsoft aquiring Epic Games, Rockstar Games and Mojang.
No.  No.  And they acquired Mojang a long time ago.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« on: January 16, 2024, 10:38:32 am »
So I'm posting this super late, but I'm finally getting around to finishing up writing stuff for last year and building my final stats.

Main List

It's the end of the year, so time to build that final stats post.

Top Games played released in 2023
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)
  • Atelier Ryza 3 (NS)
  • Lies of P (XS)
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)
  • Resident Evil 4 (PS5)

Top Games played NOT released in 2023
  • Saints Row (XS)
  • Wild Arms (PS5)
  • Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (NS)
  • Stray (PC)
  • TOEM (PS5)

Top Games played overall in 2023
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)
  • Atelier Ryza 3 (NS)
  • Lies of P (XS)
  • Saints Row (XS)
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Honorable Mention
  • Goldeneye 007 (XS)
  • The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (PC)
  • Robocop: Rogue City (XS)
  • Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (3DS)
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder (NS)
  • Wild Arms 2 (PS5)

Console breakdown
Platform   Count
PC      22
XS      17
X1      12
PS5      11
360      10
NS      9
PSX      7
ARC      5
GBA      5
NES      5
PS4      5
SNES   5
GEN      4
GB      3
N64      2
ZX      2
3DS      1
DOS      1
GBC      1
GG      1
PCE      1

Platform with the Most Beat Games: PC really had a commanding lead this year.  Between Steam Deck, setting up my curator account, and working on backlog stuff in a primarily Steam group, it had a heavy push this year.

Platform with the most unfinished titles: Again I didn't really keep track of abandoned games like last year, I really need to make an effort of keeping track of that somehow... but I think PC probably wins that, as I actually did real good finishing up console games that I started this year.

Current v. Retro v. Mobile/Handheld v. PC v Arcade: 54 - 37 - 11 - 22 - 5. (I am considering anything not PS4/X1/NS/PS5/XS to be "retro").  I considered making ZX and DOS under PC, but I kept it retro, so despite PC's big numbers, modern gaming still has a commanding lead, even retro smashes PC.  I added Arcade as a separate one this year, because I actually played a few arcade games this year and they definitely aren't all retro or modern.

Game that ate up the most time: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom hands down, it had roughly 200 hours logged.  I was thinking about Saints Row because it had nearly 100, but then I remembered TotK came out this year.

Quickest game beat: Another 100 hidden game, 100 hidden birds 2.

  • Best Racing Game: Forza Horizon 5 (XS)
  • Best Puzzle Game: Glass Masquerade (PC)
  • Best Platformer: Super Mario Bros. Wonder (NS)
  • Best RPG: Atelier Ryza 3 (NS)
  • Best Action Game: Lies of P (XS)
  • Best Story: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)
  • Best Soundtrack: Wild Arms/Wild Arms 2 (PS5)
  • Best Shooter: Goldeneye 007 (XS)
  • Best Independent Game: Lies of P (XS)
  • Best Handheld Game: Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (3DS)
  • Best Xbox Game: Lies of P (XS)
  • Best Playstation Game: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)
  • Best Nintendo Game: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)
  • Best PC Game: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (PC)
  • Character of the Year: Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
  • Studio of the Year: Nintendo
  • GOTY from another Year: Saints Row (XS)
  • Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (NS)

Game per year list
2023 Goldeneye 007
2022 Pupperazzi
2021 Cats in Time
2020 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered
2019 Control
2018 Hexologic
2017 Need for Speed: Payback
2016 Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice
2015 Need for Speed
2014 Sakura Spirit
2013 The Typing of the Dead: Overkill
2012 Double Dragon Neon
2011 WWE All Stars
2010 WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2011
2009 WWE Legends of Wrestlemania
2008 Call of Duty: World at War
2007 WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008
2006 Call of Duty 3
2005 Banjo Pilot
2004 Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure
2003 Sonic Pinball Party
2002 Lilo & Stitch
2001 Konami Krazy Racers
2000 Batman Beyond (GBC)
1999 Twisted Metal 4
1998 Twisted Metal III
1997 Goldeneye 007
1996 Twisted Metal 2
1995 The Adventures of Batman & Robin
1994 The Adventures of Batman & Robin
1993 SegaSonic The Hedgehog
1992 Batman: Revenge of the Joker
1991 Batman: The Video Game
1990 Batman: The Video Game
1989 Batman: The Video Game
1988 Karnov
1987 Trojan
1986 Batman

General / Re: VGCollect Secret Santa Feedback
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:43:11 pm »
Yeah, the excessively part can make it easy to misinterpret.  Some folks might genuinely feel stick to it, and some might feel it's no pressure to stick to it, but don't send a thousand dollars worth of stuff.

I'm not your mom do what you want, but sending out a thousand dollars worth of stuff, no matter how generous the thought might be, might make the receiver feel guilty for only doing or staying near the limit and it can make the other gifters feel similarly.  I don't think this has really been a problem before on the high end, but it's worth noting that might be the interpretation of excessively.

I will say I have seen in previous years folks not sticking to it as a minimum though.

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